SAUT MWANZA Selected applicants 2022/23, St. Augustine University of Tanzania Mwanza Many students who applied for admission at St. Augustine University of Tanzania Mwanza Centre are waiting for SAUT Selected students 2022/2023 and even predicting for when will SAUT Mwanza selection be released.
St. Augustine University of Tanzania Mwanza selected Applicants 2022
St. Augustine University of Tanzania, a secular and private institution of Higher learning owned and managed by the Catholic Church, is dedicated to St. Augustine of Hippo (345-430 A.D) with the Motto “Education with Virtues” St. Augustine university of Tanzania (SAUT) Mbeya centre is found in Mbeya region since 2013.
St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) was established in 1998. It is the successor of the Nyegezi Social Training Institute (NSTI) founded in 1960 by the Catholic White Fathers (currently known as the Missionaries of Africa). This was under the initiative of Bishop Joseph Blomjous of the Mwanza Diocese.

SAUT MWANZA Selected applicants 2022
SAUT Mwanza Selected Applicants 2022/23
SAUT Mwanza selected applicants 2022/223 are the names of students who have passed the admission screening stage and successfully approved by TCU to join undergraduate studies at St. Augustine University of Tanzania Mbeya (SAUT MBEYA) for the 2022/2023 academic year.
If you are on this page struggling online to find the easily and quickest ways to check the List of SAUT Mwanza Selected Applicants 2022/2023, so through this page we have posted everything about how to get SAUT Selected Applicants 2022/2023.
In the same way, all students must be aware that official information about the release and how to check the SAUT selection 2022/23 and the full list of SAUT selected students 2022/23 will be available on the St. Augustine University of Tanzania Mbeya centre (SAUT) website, consequently, all students who have applied to this college are recommended to visit the college website for more info.
In addition, all the information about SAUT Selected Applicants 2022/2023 will be updated on time through this website to make sure it can reach you. The most important thing is to frequently visit this page for more details.
How to check SAUT Mwanza selected students 2022/2023 – SAUT list of selected applicants
For those who have been struggling to access the full list of students selected to join St. Augustine University of Tanzania for 2022/2023 academic year. The following links will be used to access the full list (Majina ya wanafunzi waliochaguliwa SAUT 2022/2023).
What should you do if you have not been selected during the first-round application window?
In case you have not been selected during the first-round application, please don’t panic, as you are not alone, there are a number of applicants being rejected every year. Please check the secrets that will help you to successfully secure your admission for the second round in 2022 CLICK HERE
If you are looking for undergraduate selection results for other colleges and universities you can just click here, from there you will be able access all the selection results for all the other colleges and universities in Tanzania.