Presidential Youth Initiative Apply via sayouth.mobi/p/dbe log in
Applications for Phase II of the Basic Education Employment Initiative are now open. We call on unemployed youth between the ages 18 and 35 to apply for training and employment opportunities of the BEEI. Visit sayouth.mobi to apply. Applications close 10 Oct 2021.
How to apply via sayouth.mobi/p/dbe (https://sayouth.me/DBE)
-  Visit https://SaYouth.me/DBE in order to access the form
- The Link will take application to the homepage where they will be required to select the province in which they are in.
- Fill in the required fields with your personal particulars and ensure that all information is correct, particularly your contact number.
- Search the names of the school closest to you or click the drop down menu to select the school. in the province in which you are located, Only School in the province in which you are located will appear on the list.
- Double check that all information is correct and Click Submit