by admin

Are you looking to connect with job seekers, career changers, and recent graduates in Tanzania? Advertise your job openings on ASSENGAONLINE.COM, among the platform for employment opportunities!

Why Choose

When you advertise with us, you unlock a range of benefits designed to maximize your reach:

  • Large number of Audience Exposure: Your job advertisement will be prominently featured on our website, ensuring it reaches thousands of active job seekers.
  • Multi-Platform Promotion: In addition to our website, your ad will be showcased on our Telegram Channelwith 200,000 followers, YouTube Channel community with more than 200,000 and shared across our most active WhatsApp groups.
  • Prime Positioning: Your advertisement will be pinned to the front page for at least two days, ensuring maximum visibility of the ad as well as you company or Organisation. Afterward, it will remain accessible on our site.

Use our platform to find the best candidates for your job openings.

  • The price for one Job Advert is 25,000 TZS Only, if you have more than 4 Job adverts please see our discounted Job Posting Plan below  this post.


  • 4 Job Postings
  • Price: 80,000 TZS
  • We Post on Our Website, YouTube Community, Facebook Page, Telegram Channel and Whats App Groups


  • 10 Job Postings
  • Price: 150,000 TZS
  • We Post on Our Website, YouTube community, Facebook Page, Telegram Channel and Whats App Groups


  • 30 Job Postings
  • Price: 250,000 TZS
  • We Post on Our Website, YouTube community, Facebook Page, Telegram Channel and Whats App Groups

How to Send Your Job

Send your job description and logo to: and we will upload it immediately.


  • Lipa Number Vodacom : 35954469MICHAEL ASSENGA
  • Tigo No: 0658954221
  • For More Info Call: WhatsApp: 0658954221

Business Hours

  • Monday
    8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
  • Wednessday
    8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
  • Thursday
    8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
  • Friday
    8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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