Halmshauri Jobs at Liwale District Council – Liwale District was officially established on July 7, 1975 after being separated from Nachingwea due to the size of Nachingwea District. Before that, Liwale District was a Division of Nachingwea District from 1961. Also in 1975, the District became an official Constituency where the first Member of Parliament was the late Prime Minister Rashid Mfaume Kawawa.
After being separated from Nachingwea, Liwale District has been one of the six councils that make up Lindi region; this includes the District Councils of Kilwa, Lindi, Ruangwa, Nachingwea and Lindi Municipality.
Liwale District was a Council when it arrived in 1984. Then it became a Local Government Authority which had full powers as specified in the Act establishing such Authorities in 1982.
Halmshauri Jobs at Liwale District Council – Apply now
The Executive Director of Liwale District Council has received an Employment permit new appointment for the year 2023/2024 from the Secretary General Office of the President Public Service Management and Good Governance with Ref. No. FA. 97/288/01/09 dated 25/06/2024. So all Tanzanians with Qualifications are highlighted to send job applications for the following positions:-