TCU guide book 2022 for Holders of Ordinary Diploma or Equivalent Qualifications. The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) through its mandate as spelt out under section (5) (1) (c) (i) of The Universities Act, Cap. 346 of the Laws of Tanzania, read together with regulation 39 of The Universities (General) Regulations, GN. No. 226 of 2013, coordinates admission of students into Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) within and outside the country.

TCU guide book 2022 for Holders of Ordinary Diploma or Equivalent Qualifications
The legal provisions oblige the TCU to ensure that qualifications of students admitted in Higher Education Institutions are consonant with admission criteria approved by the Commission. To facilitate the admission process, TCU prepares Admission Guidebook annually to guide TCU, HEIs and the Applicants on admission procedure, available opportunities for higher education and institutions that have been permitted to admit new students in a particular academic year.
This book provides information on Bachelor’s Degree programmes approved to admit students in the 2022/2023 Admission Cycle. It entails description of institutions and where they are located, minimum entry requirements for each of the programmes, programmes’ admission capacities and duration of each of the programmes. Each applicant is strongly advised to carefully read and understand the procedure and programme admission requirements before lodging his/her application to the respective institutions.
TCU guide book 2022 for Holders of Ordinary Diploma or Equivalent Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree Admission Guidebook for 2022/2023 Academic Year (For Holders of Ordinary Diploma or Equivalent Qualifications) Open or Download the attached PDF file Below
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