Form Five Second Selection 2022/2023 Check PDF here

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Form Five Second Selection 2022
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Form Five Second Selection 2022, TAMISEMI form five selection 2022 PDF. TAMESEMI Second selection form five 2022. This article gives detailed information about Form five second selection 2022.

Form Five Second Selection 2022

Form Five Second Selection 2022

Form five second Selection 2022/23

Form Five Second Selection 2022. The Permanent Secretary Office of the President-PMO-RALG Prof. Riziki Shemdoe announces to the public all being a list of students selected to join the fifth form phase the second for the year 2022 has come out. You can view the list via the link:

Use the following Links Below to Check Selection form five Second selection 2022/2023 for each region


The role of TAMISEMI is to coordinate and supervise regional development management and administration. TAMISEMI coordinates rural and urban development management policy and strategies; coordinates Regional Secretariats activities and builds their capacity in institutional development strategies for integrated socioeconomic development and financial.

The Ministry also coordinates and supervises development planning and sectoral interventions on donor supported programmes at district and other locals levels; issues ministerial guidelines to Regional Secretariats and Local Government Authorities; and strengthen the channel of communication and information flow between the national and subnational levels.


TAMISEMI Form five second Selection 2022/23

TAMISEMI gives explanation about those students who selected to Join colleges and they wish to change into form five studies. TAMISEMI through their Instagram page the answer that question by saying;-

“Student who selected to join college and wish to change into form five, For now there is no space because school are full, about 90,825 are selected to join form five by considering available schools needs such as hostels and food.
However 12,876 students who are eligible to join form five have not been recruited due to lack of space, so if space is available they will be given priority to those who missed first selection before those who need to change.
These changes should be made no later than one month after the students begin the lessons”

When will TAMISEMI announce Form Five second Selection 2022

Form five second selection 2022. According to statement above the second selection form five 2022/2023 will be announced around JULY 2022. So  Students should be calm while waiting for second chance of been selected to join Form five 2022.

Use the following Links Below to Check Selection form five 2022/2023 for each region

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