Names called for Sensa Interview at Dodoma Region (Majina ya waliochaguliwa Sensa 2022 Dodoma Region, Census 2022 Dodoma Region).  Preparations for the 2022 population and housing census began in 2018, including the allocation of census sites, the preparation of key census documents such as questionnaires, guidelines, quality control forms and conducting a pilot census.

Population and housing census is a process of collecting, analyzing, evaluating and publishing and disseminating demographic, economic and social data related to all persons and their settlements in a country for a specified period. In other words, the census is a special exercise aimed at finding the total population in a country, by age and gender, place of residence and status of education, employment status, birth status and mortality and housing status.

Names Called For Sensa Interview At Dodoma Region

Names called for Sensa Interview at Dodoma Region

Dodoma Region

Dodoma Region was a part of What was the Central Province. In 1963 Dodoma Region wa established after separation of Singida and Dodoma Regions (The two were part of the former Central Province). At its inception the Region consisted of the three rural Districts of Dodoma, Kondoa and Mpwapwa. Later on, the Urban District of Dodoma made up the fourth District. In 1995 Mpwapwa District was divided into two Districts namely Kongwa and Mpwapwa which made up the fifth District in the Region.

Like Most Regions in Tanzania Mainland, the population of Dodoma Region has experienced a significant growth. The Region had 2,083,588 people in 2012 compared to 1,086,748 inhabitants counted in the 2002 Census. The Region represented 4.8 percent of the total population of Tanzania Mainland which was 43,625,354 in 2012. the projections for 2016 put the Regional population at 2,407,597 out of which, Females account for 51 percent of the population.

Names called for Sensa Interview at Dodoma Region

Use the Links Below To check the names of selected for Sensa Jobs 2022

Bahi DCDownload pdf
Chamwino DCDownload pdf
Chemba DCDownload pdf
Kondoa DCDownload pdf
Kongwa DCDownload pdf
Mpwapwa DCDownload pdf
Kondoa TCDownload pdf
Dodoma MCDownload pdf
Dodoma CCDownload pdf

Preparations for the 2022 Population and Housing Census

The implementation of the population and housing census takes place in three main phases which are Pre-Census Period, Census Period and Post-Census Period.

Pre-Census Period

The pre-census period includes the preparation of the Census Management and Implementation Strategy Manual and other documentation, Demarcation of Census and Map Production Areas, Material Preparation (Questionnaires and Guidelines); Awareness, Experimental Census by 29 August 2021 one year before the Census itself; Establish census committees; holding meetings with statistical stakeholders; making purchases, making choices about the type of technology to be used, hiring investigators and supervisors, distribution of equipment; and preparing for the Census Assessment.

Census Period

The census includes the main and important tasks in this census exercise.

Period After Counting People

Post-census period includes Processing Census Reporting, Analysis, Preliminary Results Delivery, Dissemination of Final Results, Promotion of Use of Statistics to Employees of Ministries, Departments and Government Institutions.


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