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NSFAS online application 2023/24 | How to Apply for NFAS Application 2023/2024. NSFAS online application 2023 opening date | NSFAS requirements 2023. The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) was established in terms of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (Act 56 of 1999). The mission statement is made up of three distinct elements, which describe why NSFAS exists and the impact on the constituency:

  • NSFAS exists to provide financial aid to eligible students at TVET colleges and public universities;
  • NSFAS identifies eligible students, provides bursaries and collects past student loan repayments to replenish the funds available for future generations of students; and
  • NSFAS supports access to, and success in, higher education and training for students from poor and working
  • class families who would otherwise not be able to afford to study.

NSFAS is a public entity and is governed as such by the NSFAS Act and the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and regulated by the PFMA and Treasury Regulations. Chapter Six of the PFMA and Part 9 of the Treasury Regulations include: requirements regarding the responsibilities of accounting authorities of public entities, budgets, annual reports, internal controls, strategic planning, cash management, investment policy and audit committees.

The NSFAS Act enables any student to apply for a bursary from NSFAS, but allows the board to impose conditions, generally, or in respect of a particular loan or bursary. Such conditions include the use of the means test and the loan conversion of up to 40 percent of any loan as incentive for academic success.

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It provides for payment by NSFAS of the amount of the loan or bursary “to the designated higher education institution”, rather than to the applicant. It also allows NSFAS to enter into what is in effect an agency agreement with higher education institutions (HEIs) or further education and training (FET) colleges,

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NSFAS online application 2023

NSFAS online application 2023

NSFAS online application 2023 opening date

The National Students Financial Aid Schem (NSFAS) online application 2023/2024 academic year opens 1st of September and closes 30th of November 2022. All those who want to apply for NSFAS online 2023 should visit The form can also be downloaded in PDF format.

Eligible Candidates For NSFAS Application 2023/2024

If you are a South African Citizen Planning to Study in 2023 or currently studying at a public university or TVET college and you meet the following criteria, you are eligible to apply for the NSFAS bursary via online application form 2023

The conditions are as follows;

  • If you are a SASSA Grant Recipient
  •  If your combined household income is not more than R350,000 per year
  • A person with disability with a combined household income of note more than R600,000
  • A student who begins their university studies before 2018 and their household income is not more than R122,000 per year.

Documents Needed for NSFAS Application 2023/2024

The National Students Financial Aid Schem (NSFAS) online application 2023/2024 academic year opens 1st of September and closes 30th of November 2022. All those who want to apply for NSFAS online 2023 should visit The form can also be downloaded in PDF format.

The documents required to apply for NSFAS 2023 include;

  1. You must provide a copy of your ID or Birth Certificate
  2. Copies of your guardian, parents or Spouse ID
  3. A proof of your income or 1 years IRPS if needed
  4. SASSA grant recipient are not supposed to provide proof of income
  5. Provide your own valid cellphone number and a working email address
  6. Recognized students as a Vulnerable Child by the department of Social Development should provide a completed and signed Vulnerable child Declaration and consent form

NSFAS application 2023 closing date

(NSFAS) online application 2023/2024 academic year opens 1st of September and closes 30th of November 2022.

NSFAS 2022 Appeals supporting documents:

If you would like to appeal your #NSFAS2022 application results, please download and complete the relevant required supporting document below and upload it with your appeal.

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