Matokeo ya kidato cha pili Zanzibar 2022/23, matokeo ya kidato cha pili zanzibar 2022 23, Matokeo ya kidato cha pili 2022/23 zanzibar, After the Revolution, the Zanzibar Government inherited the colonial education system of 8-4-2, i.e. eight years of primary education, four years of regular secondary and two years of higher secondary. After a period of 40 years of the glorious revolution, the education system changed to have a structure of 3-7-3-2-2, i.e. three years of preparatory education, seven years of primary education, three years of secondary education primary, two years of regular secondary and two years of upper secondary. Seven years of primary education and three years of early secondary education constitute compulsory education, which is the right of every child in this country.

Matokeo ya kidato cha pili Zanzibar 2022
Matokeo ya kidato cha pili Zanzibar 2022/23
Find here Matokeo ya Kidato cha pili Zanzibar, Darasa la sita na Darasa la nne 2022/2023 Zanzibar: Matokeo ya kidato cha pili 2022/2023 zanzibar are released immediately after the completion of the Form Two 2022 examination marking exercise. Students who have appeared to this exam will able check their marks by name & Examination number. Candidates can know the results from its official Zanzibar Examinations Council (ZEC) website as well as using below given link in this post.
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Secondary education builds upon knowledge and skills already acquired in the primary school. It prepares learners to engage in logical reasoning and provides opportunities to strengthen higher order analysis and basic skills of synthesis.
It aims at preparing learners to pursue further education and training according to their interests, abilities and capabilities. Successful completion of secondary education is of paramount importance for employment in the modern economy and for laying foundation for the diversified post-secondary level education.
How to check Matokeo ya Kidato cha pili Zanzibar 2022/2023
Use the links Below to check Matoke ya Kidato cha pili Zanzibar 2022/23