Mzumbe selected applicants 2023/24 | Mzumbe single Selected Applicants 2023/24, Mzumbe university selection 2023, Mzumbe University Selected students 2023/2024, Selected Applicants at Mzumbe University (Majina ya wanafunzi waliochaguliwa Mzumbe 2023)
Are you searching for the Mzumbe University selected applicants in 2022? Don’t worry, here you will get full details about Mzumbe University Selected students for 2023/2024
Mzumbe University selected applicants 2023/24
Mzumbe Selected Applicants 2022/23 are simply the list of students/applicants/candidates selected to join for various undergraduate, diploma, or Postgraduate programs at the Mzumbe University for 2022/2023 academic year.
These are the names of students who have passed the admission screening stage and successfully approved by TCU to join undergraduate studies at the Mzumbe University for the 2022/2023 academic year.
Mzumbe Selected Applicants 2023/2024
These are initial rounds of selections. Other selected candidates for all Certificate, Diploma and Bachelor Degree programmes will be published in other coming rounds.
How to check Mzumbe selected students 2023/2024Â
These are initial rounds of selections. Other selected candidates for all Certificate, Diploma and Bachelor Degree programmes will be published in other coming rounds.
Category | Selection document | Round |
Bachelor | Â
View or download selection results for bachelor degree programmes   New |
1 |
Diploma | Â
View or download selection results for diploma programmes   New |
1 |
Certificate | Â
View or download selection results for certificate programmes   New |
1 |
Mzumbe University was established by the Mzumbe University Charter, 2007 under Section 25 of the Universities Act. No. 7 of 2005 which repealed Mzumbe University Act. No 9 of 2001. As a Training Institute, the University boasts of over 50 years experience of training in the administration of justice, business management, public administration, accountancy, finance, political science and good governance.
Mzumbe University origin can be traced back to 1953 when the British Colonial Administration established a Local Government School in the country. The school was aimed at training local Chiefs, Native Authority Staff and Councilors.