HESLB appeal window 2023/24

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Deadline for HESLB Loan application 2024
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HESLB appeal window 2023/24, HESLB Majina ya waliopata mkopo batch 3. The Higher Education Student Loans Board today announced the Third Phase (Batch III) of 2,518 students who were assigned loans worth TZS 6.9 billion for the academic year 2023/2024.

These 2,518 students are new first-year students joining various higher education institutions in the country for local undergraduate degrees.

The number of new students assigned reaches 73,078
Following the announcement of the Third Phase, the total number of new undergraduate students assigned loans has reached 73,078 and the value of their loans is TZS 210.8 billion.

It will be remembered that, 56,132 undergraduate students were assigned loans worth TZS 159.7 billion in the First Phase (Batch I) announced on Friday, October 20, 2023. In addition, the Second Phase (Batch II) with 14,428 students who were assigned loans worth TZS 44.2 billion was announced on Friday, October 27, 2023.

Importance of SIPA – Student’s Individual Permanent Account
We remind loan applicants that SIPA is the IMPORTANT part of obtaining information about the applicant’s loan.

HESLB appeal window 2023/24

Opening of the Appeals Window. After the announcement of the Third Phase, HESLB is currently completing preparations to open an appeal window that will be open from Wednesday, November 8, 2023 to give loan applicants the opportunity to submit applications for extension or allocation of loans, for students who have not been assigned in the announced Phase Three.

Loan funds budget for 2023-2024
The government has allocated TZS 731 billion for undergraduate students for the year 2023/2024 for 220,376 students. Among them, 75,000 students are expected to be the beneficiaries of the first year after the completion of the analysis of the appeal applications that will be submitted.

Credits for Diplomas
At the same time, HESLB would like to inform diploma level students who applied for education loans that the analysis of their applications is being completed and the list of loan recipients for the year 2023/2024 will be announced on Thursday, November 9, 2023.


Screenshot 2023 11 03 at 07.58.06

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1 comment

Lenaiduya Koitumet November 8, 2023 - 10:36 am

Appeal for loans to heslb by not be announced in1, 2 and 3 batchs


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