Walimu Walioitwa USAILI Utumishi. The Secretary of the Public Service Employment Secretariat on behalf of MDAs & LGAs likes to inform all Job Seekers who applied for a job that the interview is expected to be conducted from on 19-11-2024 to finally assign job centers to job applicants who pass the interview.
- The interview will be held from the date as shown in this advertisement time and place where The interview will be held for each Cadre.
- Each interviewee must arrive at the interview area wearing a mask
- Each Respondent should have identification for identification;
- Acceptable IDs include:- Resident ID, Caller ID vote, Employment ID, Citizenship ID, Passport, Driver’s License or letter of identification from the Local Government/Village you come from.
- The interviewees must come with their ORIGINAL CERTIFICATES, starting from the birth certificate, form IV, VI, Diploma, Diploma, Higher Diploma, Degree and continue depending on the qualifications The applicant.
Walimu Walioitwa USAILI Utumish Vs Wanaoitajika
Daraja la IIIA (Certificate)
- 1. Daraja la IIIA (Awali)= 20/2024
- 2. IIIA = 2851/15,640
- 3. IIIA (Maalum)=13/225
Daraja la IIIB (Diploma)
- 1. Geography= 175/2878
- 2. Chemistry = 488/3551
- 3. Bios = 505/3173
- 4. Tehama = 59/399
- 5. Awali = 15/846
- 6. Kiswahili = 142/2400
- 7. Msingi = 464/2351
- 8. Civics = 59/ 419
- 9. History = 152/2269
- 10. Physics = 740/1513
- 11. B/maths = 663/1919
- 12. English = 390/1548
- 13. Literature = 65/36
- 14. French = 2/4
- 15. Bookping =24/75
- 16. Agriculture = 29/215
- 17. Commerce = 23/79
- 18. Maalum = 7/13
- 19. Food & Nutrition = 2/34
- 20. Textile = 2/ 4
Daraja la IIIC (Degree)
- 1. Kiswahili = 184/28,202
- 2. Geography = 310/26,770
- 3. History = 211/21,407
- 4. Literature = 64/7,489
- 5. English = 412/15,225
- 6. Bios = 515/11,837
- 7. Economics = 16/2,698
- 8. Tehama = 33/1160
- 9. Agriculture = 31/546
- 10. Msingi = 37/975
- 11. Kemia = 544/9891
- 12. Maalum = 3/ 1011
- 13. Civics = 46/1622
- 14. Physics = 633/ 865
- 15. B/maths = 662/2033
- 16. Bookping = 19/589
- 17. French = 3/77
- 18. Commerce = 22/845
- 19. Lab Technician = 380/1197
- Required: 11,015
- Call for Interview: 176,054