Mfano wa Barua ya Kujiunga na JWTZ 2024, The Tanzania National Defense Force (JWTZ) is announcing recruitment opportunities for young Tanzanians with a fourth and sixth form education. In addition, recruitment will involve young people present in the camps of the Army for Nation Building “Operation General Venance Mabeyo” and those who have completed the contract who have carried out JKT training in accordance with the Law and Commitment contract.
Basic Responsibilities of JWTZ
- Protecting the Constitution and Freedom of the United Republic of Tanzania.
- Border Protection of the United Republic of Tanzania.
- Conducting Training and Exercises to be Combat Ready at all times.
- Teaching the public National Defense activities.
- Cooperating with Civil Authorities in providing humanitarian aid and disaster relief.
- Promoting independent education and production through the Nation Building Force (JKT
- Participating in International Peacekeeping activities.
Sifa za Kujiunga JWTZ
- Young people interested in enlisting in the Army must have the following qualifications:-
a. Be a citizen of Tanzania.
b. He should not be more than 25 years old.
c. May he be of good health and sanity.
d Of good character and discipline, he has not been found guilty of criminal offenses in court and imprisoned.
e. Have an original birth certificate.
f. Have school certificates.
g. He must not have served in the Police Force, Prisons, College Training or Special Anti-Smuggling Squad.
h. He must have graduated from the training of the National Building Force with a two (2) year voluntary contract or Law Enforcement training and awarded a certificate.