Chanjocovid.moh.go.tz. Government through the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children has started distributing UVIKO-19 vaccines in all regions of the country. Vaccination distribution is based on the reported cases of patients suspected of having VIKO-19, the number of beneficiaries for the priority group as well as the number of vaccines currently available. In addition, the Government through the authority of medicines and medical devices (TMDA), Chief Chemist’s Laboratory, National Central Laboratory and Other Instruments, all have verified and satisfied the safety and quality of these Janssen vaccines from Johnson & Johnson Company in the United States. According to the National Immunization Vaccine Guidelines for STIs, that World Health Organization (WHO), COVAX FACILITY guidelines and limitations of production of vaccines from factories, These vaccines are CURRENTLY issued in compliance the priorities of the most needy groups which are;-
(1) Industrial workers of Health,
(2) Adults 50 years and older and
(3) People with diseases.
As the Government has been pointing out, vaccinations for all groups the country is voluntary or free for every citizen. Since vaccines received currently not sufficient for the beneficiaries of all groups in the country, other groups will be vaccinated in the next phase, once they arrive.
Chanjocovid.moh.go.tz Booking Here/Fanya booking ya Chanjo
Chanjocovid.moh.go.tz. Citizens in all regions of the country will begin receiving the Covid-19 vaccine next Tuesday starting with three priority groups at 550 centers nationwide.
The groups that will be vaccinated voluntarily are, health workers, adults from the age of 50 onwards as well as people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer.
The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, Professor Abel Makubi made the statement yesterday when he launched the distribution of the vaccine at the Central Medicines Depot (MSD) Dar es Salaam earlier today
He said the 550 centers are public and private hospitals, which will be used to provide the vaccine. The distribution of the vaccine will be completed tomorrow and the regions with the highest prevalence will receive the highest doses.
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