SUZA second selection 2021/22 |State University of Zanzibar SUZA second selection 2021/2022
The State University of Zanzibar SUZA was established by Act No. 8 of 1999 of the Zanzibar House of Representatives which was then amended by Act No. 11 of 2009, and further re-amended by Act No. 7 of 2016. The latter amendment has justified SUZA to merge with other Zanzibar higher learning institutions; these are the then Zanzibar Institute of Financial Administration (ZIFA), College of Health Sciences (CHS) and the Zanzibar Institute of Tourism Development (ZIToD). His Excellency Dr. Ali Mohamed Shein, the President of Zanzibar and Chairman of the Revolutionary Council is the Chancellor of the University. The University became operational in September 2001.
The State University of Zanzibar SUZA second selection 2021/22
If you are applying for second round application 2021 at The State University of Zanzibar SUZA, you wait also for second round selection at The State University of Zanzibar SUZA.
What is The State University of Zanzibar SUZA Second round selection 2021?
The State University of Zanzibar SUZA second selection 2021 is the list of candidates selected and admitted for second round admission window at State University of Zanzibar SUZA for various programs for 2021/2022 academic year.
State University of Zanzibar SUZA posted and made available on State University of Zanzibar SUZA website named State University of Zanzibar SUZA second round selected applicants 2021/2022 or State University of Zanzibar selected applicants 2021/22 pdf.
How to check State University of Zanzibar SUZA Second round selected applicants 2021/2022
If you are applied for State University of Zanzibar SUZA, Please care full read the details on how to check you selection.
The second application window is a unique opportunity for applicants who missed the first-round admission window and those who were not selected due to various reasons to resubmit their application.
The management of the State University of Zanzibar SUZA usually announces the names of successful State University of Zanzibar SUZA second round selected applicants offered admission into various undergraduate programs for the 2021/2022 academic year.
Check State University of Zanzibar SUZA second round selected students via Direct link below
The list of State University of Zanzibar SUZA second round selected applicants are normally uploaded online as a pdf, The link to download the pdf document with the full list of successful applicants is made available to the public via State University of Zanzibar SUZA website. so You can check the list of the State University of Zanzibar Second round Selected candidates 2021 Via direct links below
- State University of Zanzibar SUZA second selection 2021/22 pdf.
- SUZA second round selected applicants
How to check the State University of Zanzibar SUZA Second Round selected applicants via SUZA Online Portal
You my find some times the list of names selected to join State University of Zanzibar SUZA are not available in Pdf document. Therefore you can check State University of Zanzibar SUZA second round selection online by logging into the State University of Zanzibar SUZA Online application portal by using the following steps below;-
- Visit State University of Zanzibar SUZA Online application portal
- Log in your account using your Form four Index Number
- After logging in check you selection status
- From there you can check if you are successful selected to State University of Zanzibar SUZA.
Important Notice
Read this care fully
- If you have Multiple admission , make sure you confirm your admission as soon as possible after checking your selection status. To confirm your selection, you need TCU admission Verification CODE.
- If you have also applied for admission into other universities and you haven’t seen your name on State University of Zanzibar SUZA, consider to check HERE the list of students / applicants who have been successful selected to join various colleges and universities for the 2021/2022 academic year
Selection 2021/2022, What to do if you have not been selected during the Second-round application?
Once the selection za Vyuo 2021 results have been revealed and you have not been selected for admission please don’t give up, there will be a other round for application window for you to resend your application. Check Here the things you should do that will help you to successfully secure your admission for the another upcoming round. Click here