Call for Interview UTUMISHI: Names Called for Interview at LITA, SENGEREMA and SAME District Councils Released 23rd September, 2021
The Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) is a government organ with a status of independent Department established specifically to facilitate the recruitment process of employees to the Public Service.
Public Service Recruitment Secretariat was established by the Public Service Act No. 8 0f 2002 as amended by Act No. 18 of 2007, section 29(1).
Names released on behalf of: The Livestock Training Agency (LITA),, Sengerema and Same District Councils.
Call for Interview UTUMISHI: Names Called for Interview at LITA, SENGEREMA and SAME District Councils Released 23rd September, 2021
Open PDF files written in SWAHILI with all names and more details for this interview by follow the The PDF below…..
Interview Dates: 05th – 07th October, 2021.