Most Marketable Courses in Tanzania 2021/2022 (Kozi zenye vipaumbele vya ajira) Kozi Nzuri za Kusoma Chuo 2021/22 Academic Year.
If you’re looking for Most best Marketable Courses In Tanzania 2021/2022 to study for developing your career and make you marketable not only to be employed but also employ your self.
As we know that this century is based on Information, science and technology, and due that you should know which course us suitable for you to sustain in this century
As Tanzania in which industry now is the main concern of the country you must take course which will make you in good position for you to get employment and get employed
Here are the best Courses you can study in colleges or university
1. Health courses:
This include Doctor of Medicine, Dental Surgery, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Midwifery, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Physiotherapy, Biotechnology and Laboratory sciences, Radiotherapy Technology . Why health courses, because health is very important to every one so once you are health profession you have high chance of being employed or employ yourself by open your pharmacy or medical shop, or medical advice to the community and make you earn money. And this course have chance to get loan from
2.Engineering Programmes:
This include Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Mining, Mineral and Processing, Textile, Chemical and Processing, Agriculture. Why this courses, first they have high priority of loan from loarn board (HSLB) also have high chance of being employed or employ your self
Tanzania has excellent food sufficiency and doesn’t really depend upon foodstuff imports from other countries. And to retain this edge, the Tanzanian government and private sector are investing very heavily in the agriculture industry. A professional course as agriculturist isn’t all about growing food crops.
5.Web Designing
In this era of the Internet and ecommerce, the appearance of a website really matters. A website is a reflection of an individual or a company’s personality and corporate culture. Hence people and businesses lay special emphasis on how their website appears.
This is the job of a web designer. You can do a fantastic web designing course from a reputable institute and also launch own startup. Or you can work with a company that designs websites for others.
6. Computer Applications
Computers are part of our everyday life. And nobody can claim to be a master. Hence, experts in computer applications are necessary. These are simple yet tough professional courses and requires intense concentration and efforts.
The reason: computer technology is evolving even as you read this article. And you need to stay abreast with developments in the field. But it does help you carve a wonderful career.
7. Animations & Multimedia
Animations and multimedia are an integral part of the advertising, informatics and entertainment industry. In case you are unaware, several major producers of children’s movies and cartoon films from the USA and Japan have their animations made in Tanzania.
Animations and multimedia is also a rapidly growing industry and you could do a course to create a career. These are highly professional courses that demand rigorous creativity.
8. Digital Marketing
While still on the topic of the Internet and websites, let’s look at Digital Marketing. It is the fastest growing industry in Tanzania and will generate over two million jobs by 2022. Digital marketing involves learning several processes that would popularize a website, product or service using the Internet as the channel.
These are short term courses and available easily across Tanzania. Anyone with a secondary or higher secondary qualification can enroll for this professional course. There’s no age limit too.
9. Graphics Designing Course
Another top professional course that’s trending nowadays is graphic designing. Doing a professional graphic designer course helps you get jobs at large corporations. It also helps you open own business and provides graphic designing services to small and large clients.
10. Travel & Tourism Course
Diploma to MBA courses is available in this vast field of travel and tourism. These are also some of the best professional courses you can do. Upon successful completion of a travel and tourism course, you qualify to work for an airline, foreign and domestic tour operator, work as travel arranger at government departments, job offers from Tanzanian Railways and state road transport corporations.
11. Accounts & Finance
Money never goes out of season or out of fashion. As long as there are humans on earth, there’ll always be money. Hence, accounts and finance is a superb career to pursue. A regular Bachelor of Commerce will launch you in this field.
Further on, opt for more specific courses to become a company auditor or external auditor. These are also some of the toughest professional courses in Tanzania.