www.tamisemi.go.tz ajira 2022| Online Teachers Application OTEAS, Mfumo wa Maombi ya ajira, OTEAS, This article contain information on How to Apply for Teachers jobs Tanzania| Ajira za walimu 2022, OTEAS ajira za walimu 2022 through ajira.tamisemi.go.tz oteas.
TAMISEMI | www.tamisemi.go.tz ajira 2022
The government through the Office of the President Personnel and Good Governance has announced to provide 32,000 jobs in the teaching and health sectors. Speaking in parliament, the Minister in charge of Public Service and Good Governance, Jenister Muhagama, said that the Government has identified the problem of shortage of public sector employees, especially in education and health sector projects.
Muhagama said that His Excellency the President has issued a Permit to employ 32,000 public servants. The minister also said that the government will announce the recruitment process in the near future.
Why Education Sector in Tanzania so Important
Education is a continuously developing sector that is contributing significantly to the Tanzanian economy, hence creating a need to develop, up to-date systems and products to match the fast growing technologies and curricula in the world. Tanzania is aiming to harness and improve the skills of its people for accelerated economic growth.
Tanzanian government is keen to develop the education sector and has placed the sector as one of its top priority sectors. This is evidenced by several initiatives by the government. First, Tanzania’s Development Vision 2025 proposes “a well-educated and learning society” as one of five major attributes. Also, education is identified as a main area of focus in the government’s National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP).
Mfumo wa maombi ya Ajira za Ualimu 2022 | OTEAS 2022
The Office of the President Regional Administration and Local Government PMO-RALG (TAMISEMI) has developed a teacher employment application system known as Online Teachers Application System (OTEAS) .

www.tamisemi.go.tz ajira 2022
This system enables qualified teachers to apply for employment using the system to submit their employment applications when the government announce employmen.
Online Teachers Application System OTEAS is the Online System developed and operated by TAMISEMI which allows Teachers to apply for any government teaching posts.
The system is designed to help job seekers ( Teachers – Graduates) to apply for teaching vacancies in Tanzania Public schools. Once TAMISEMI Advertise for vacant Posts for teachers, qualified graduates / teachers can apply via Online Teachers Application System OTEAS. All applications for employment must be made online via this website https://ajira.tamisemi.go.tz/#!/auth,
How to apply Teaches Jobs(ajira za walimu 2022) through OTEAS
To send an Application via OTEAS you first need to open an account on this system. if you already have account then
Visit ajira.tamisemi.go.tz
If you are new applicant use “New Applicant“ or “Register” link to begin application process. Then follow the steps to complete your application.
How to apply Healthy Jobs (Ajira za Afya 2022) via www.tamisemi.go.tz ajira 2022
- Visit Tamisemi Mfumo wa maombi ya ajira official website ajira.tamisemi.go.tz/
- Click on Register link from the home page to Create Account
- Enter the Personal Information and click NEXT button on the registration page.
- Enter all details on the Tamisemi Form” correctly without any mistakes.
- Upload all documents and Certificates required.
- Fill in the mandatory details carefully in the fields given.
- Click on the submit option.
Click here to Apply
The establishment of the Ministry of Regional Administration and Local Government (TAMISEMI) is enshrined in the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania Article 8 (1) 145 and 146 of 1977 and many other amendments thereafter.
In 1982 under the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania passed the Local Government Authorities Act No. 7 (Cap 287) and the Urban Authorities Act No. 8 (Cap 288).
The two laws empowered the Minister responsible for Regional and Local Government Administration on the establishment of District, Village, Small Town, and Local Government Authorities.
I try several times to apply but it doesn’t go through.. will you please instruct us how do we apply
Mfumo wa maombi bado haujafuliwa, Tunasubiri Utaratibu kutoka TAMISEMI, jinsi ya kutuma maombi ya ajira
Dah,,,Mana ngoja kwanza nchekeeeee,,, 😂,,,Jana nimelala saa 10,,,mfumo unasumbua hatari,,,Yani kwenye register email unaweka Ila password inakataa,,,unaweka character zaidi ya name bado password ya mfumo inakataa,dah hii tabu Sana🤔,Bora tutume barua tuu,,,kwangu mm nimesha felishwa na mfumo,,,,🙏