TAMISEMI How to change Form five combination 2022, Jinsi ya kubadilisha combination form five 2022. Have you chosen a combination that you do not like? Read this article which give brief explanation on how to change it.
How to change Form five combination 2022
What if he wants to change the combination (TAHSUSI) in the school he was assigned to? example was assigned to HGL but wants to study EGM.
The answer is : Changing Combination is the Responsibility of the Head of School after obtaining the approval of the Regional Officer.
The student will be allowed to change the combination if:
- He is within the CUT OFF POINT of the relevant Combination.
- The ability of the school for the specific subject, for example the ratio of students to teachers in combination so that the students are not too many through the ratio of existing teachers.
The Head of school has a CUTT OFF POINT to guide him
NOTE: These changes should be made no later than one month after the students start their studies.
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