Job Vacancies at Chamwino District Council. Dodoma Region was a part of What was the Central Province. In 1963 Dodoma Region wa established after separation of Singida and Dodoma Regions (The two were part of the former Central Province).
At its inception the Region consisted of the three rural Districts of Dodoma, Kondoa and Mpwapwa. Later on, the Urban District of Dodoma made up the fourth District. In 1995 Mpwapwa District was divided into two Districts namely Kongwa and Mpwapwa which made up the fifth District in the Region.
In 2007 Dodoma Rural District was Divided into two Districts of Bahi and Chamwino. This made up the sixth Distric, In 2012 Kondoa District was Divided into two Districts namely Kondoa and Chemba which finaly made the Region to have Seven Districts. .
15 Job Vacancies at Chamwino District Council May 2022
Chamwino District Council is one of the eight local government authorities in Dodoma region. It lies on the central plateau of Tanzania in the western bearing along Dar es Salaam road. Â The district has a total area of 8,056 km. square. Administratively the district council is divided into 5 divisions 36 wards, 107 villages and 820 hamlets there are also two parliamentary electoral constituencies namely Chilonwa, and Mtera.
Chamwino District Council Announces Vacancies for Village Executives as follows:-