Names called for Interview at Tandahimba District Council June 2022. Tandahimba District is one of the five Districts that make up the Mtwara Region. This district was officially established in 1995. Tandahimba District is located in Southern Tanzania. This district borders Mtwara District to the East, West borders Newala District, North borders Lindi Region and South borders Ruvuma River which is the official border with Mozambique.

Names called for Interview at Tandahimba District
The capital of this district is called TANDAHIMBA which is located 95 km from the Mtwara regional headquarters. The district has an area of 1673 square kilometers equivalent to 167,331 hectares.
The area suitable for agriculture is 157,304 hectares equivalent to 94% of the total area of the district, the tree area is 63,216.8 hectares which is equivalent to 38% of the total area of the district. Conservation forests including the Makonde Mountains reserve are 25,218 hectares equivalent to 15% of the total area of the district.
Names called for Interview at Tandahimba District Council June 2022
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