Nikonekt TANESCO, Nikonekt APP Download | Huduma ya Kufungiwa umeme, Fomu ya maombi ya umeme tanesco, Gharama za kuvuta umeme, TANESCO bei Ya umeme. Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO) is a Parastatal organization established by Memorandum and Articles of Association incorporated on 26th November 1931 which established Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (the then Tanganyika Electric Supply Company Limited -TANESCO). The Company generates, purchases, transmits, distributes, and sells electricity to Tanzania Mainland and sells bulk power to the Zanzibar Electricity Corporation (ZECO), which in turn sells it to the public in islands Unguja and Pemba.

Historically, the German colonialists established the first public electricity supply in Tanzania, the then called Tanganyika in 1908 at Dar es Salaam. It served the railway workshops and a part of the town where the colonialists were mostly staying. In 1920, when Tanganyika territory was put under Great Britain protectorate, a Government Electricity Department was formed to take over and operate the public supplies left by the Germans. In 1931, the Government handed over the undertaking at Dar es Salaam and those elsewhere upcountry (Dodoma, Tabora, and Kigoma) to private enterprises.
This service allow a prospecting customer to apply for electricity connection.
How To apply For Electricity Service
- Select Power Application Service
- Select purpose, Category, Application type, Identification type and identification number
- Use National Identification Card Number (NIN) for application intended for residential purpose with the format: 1984081911660000xxx
- Use Company Registration Number / TIN for Company or Institutions
- Click Start New Application
- Fill in Profile, Contact Person and property details
- Click Submit Application
- You will receive a message upon successful filling and submitting application details
- Click List of Contractor to see eligible Electrical contractors or may visit their office to select contractor of your choice
- Share system generated application number and phone number to the contractor of your choice to enable him to fill wiring details into the system.
- Electrical Contractor will fill in wiring details and his declaration and submit the applicant details to TANESCO through the online portal
- An Applicant will be notified through direct SMS upon submission of his wiring details by the Electrical Contractor to TANESCO
- TANESCO shall survey the area to establish cost and requirements for connections thereafter customer will be given a quotation amount and control number to affect payments through direct SMS or Downloading from the Power Application portal
- Customer will affect payment through various payment channels
- Customer will be notified through direct SMS upon successful payment
- TANESCO shall connect the power to enlighten customer’s life
How to check Application Status
To view application status, correct returned application, quotation, receipt and download application and agreement for power supply form
Follow the below procedure
- Enter Application Number.
- Enter Mobile Number used for application.
- Click Check status. View progress.
- Check remark for any assigned task.
- Take an action to correct the assigned task if an
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Naomba kufungiwa umeme