DUCE selected applicants 2022/23 | Dar es Salaam University College of Education, Selected students at the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE), DUCE Selected applicant 2022/2023. Majina ya wanafunzi waliochaguliwa DUCE – Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE).
Are you searching for the Dar es Salaam University College of Education DUCE selected applicants in 2022? Don’t worry, here you will get full details aboutDar es Salaam University College of Education DUCE selected applicants for 2022/2023 – Wanafunzi waliochaguliwa DUCE
Dar es Salaam University College of Education selected applicants 2022/2023
DUCE Selected Applicants 2022/23 PDF. The Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) is a public institution established in 2005 through the Government Notice No. 202 published on 22nd July 2005. The establishment of the College was a priority response by the Government of Tanzania to address the problem of acute shortage of graduate teachers and experts in the education sector that had resulted from the rapid expansion of school enrolment.
The expansion was due to the successes of the Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP) in 2002 – 2006 and the Secondary Education Development Programme (SEDP I) in 2004 – 2009, among other initiatives.
The College is located on Plot 324 and 325 Block ‘T’ Chang’ombe in Temeke Municipality, Dar es Salaam Region, adjacent to the new National Stadium and about 5 km from the City Centre via Kilwa Road. The College consists of 52.97 acres of land. The College also owns an area of 1.17 hectares located on Plot No. 964/1 Block ‘V’ Mbagala. This strategic location of the College provides opportunities in different areas of investment due to its proximity to City centre.
DUCE selected applicants 2022/2023
DUCE Selected Applicants 2022/23 are simply the list of students/applicants/candidates selected to join for various undergraduate, diploma, or Postgraduate programs at the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) for 2022/2023 academic year.
These are the names of students who have passed the admission screening stage and successfully approved by TCU to join undergraduate studies at the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) for the 2022/2023 academic year.
Many students who applied for admission at Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) are waiting for NIT Selected students 2022/2023 and even predicting for when will DUCE selection be released