Volunteering opportunities at Foundation for Disabilities Hope. Foundation for Disabilities Hope (FDH) is a Non Governmental Organization dealing with issues of Advocacy for the rights and equality of groups of people with disabilities, youth and children. This institution was officially registered in 2019 and obtained National Registration under Act No. 00NGO/R/004.
The main office of the foundation is located at the CCM regional office building Dodoma, Tanzania. Foundation for disabilities hope organization came by the time when activists saw different challenges that people with disabilities faced in the society. The organization was founded by youth’s activists in 2016 where people with disabilities faced various challenges like killing of people with albinism, discriminated in education by parents, infrastructures were not favorable and others within the society. And these challenges were hardly solved within the society along with the unawareness of the society about disability and people with disability.
4 Volunteering opportunities at Foundation for Disabilities Hope
FDH is seeking volunteers to fill the following positions. Read full details in the PDF FILE attached below: