TAMISEMI Mfumo wa mikopo ya Halmashauri 2022 (tplmis)| mikopohalmashauri.tamisemi.go.tz, ( TPL-MIS) tamisemi.go.tz. |tplms tamisemi go tz. The role of TAMISEMI is to coordinate and supervise regional development management and administration. TAMISEMI coordinates rural and urban development management policy and strategies; coordinates Regional Secretariats activities and builds their capacity in institutional development strategies for integrated socioeconomic development and financial.

The Ministry also coordinates and supervises development planning and sectoral interventions on donor supported programmes at district and other locals levels; issues ministerial guidelines to Regional Secretariats and Local Government Authorities; and strengthen the channel of communication and information flow between the national and subnational levels.

TAMISEMI Mfumo wa mikopo ya Halmashauri

TAMISEMI Mfumo wa mikopo ya Halmashauri 2022

Secretary General TAMISEMI, Riziki Shemdoe, would like to inform the Public that TAMISEMI has officially started using the System to provide loans of 10% of the local income of the Council to Women, Youth and people with disabilities.

The benefit of the Credit System

  • Increasing the transparency of the application, issuance and repayment of loans
  • Increase accountability
  • Be balanced in lending
  • Have accurate and timely data





EmanuelI Daudi November 8, 2022 - 4:57 am

Natafuta mkopo kujiendeleza biashara napataje

Ernest December 23, 2022 - 1:46 pm

For business

Akupendaye Louis Tesha December 25, 2022 - 6:37 pm

Ndugu Mhusika;

Mimi ni Mlemavu ninayeitaji mkopo kwa ajiri ya “mlemavu mtu binafsi” ; ndugu zangu sioni sehemu ya kuanzia tofauti na mikopo ya group. je nifanyeje?


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