Jezi za Yanga CAF confederation Cup 2022/2023, Jezi mpya za yanga CAF, Jezi za yanga 2022/23 – Jezi za Yanga CAF confederation Cup 2023. Yanga Club has signed a contract with the Chinese company HAIER to be their special sponsor in CAF Confederation Cup matches. HAIER is the number one company for making the best electrical products for homes and offices, with more than 500 innovation awards focusing on the best and user-friendly technology.
Jezi za Yanga CAF confederation Cup 2022/2023

Jezi za Yanga CAF confederation Cup 2022/2023
This agreement has been signed in front of the President of the Yanga Club, Eng Hersi Said and the representative of the HAIER company, Leon Chi, at a short event held at the Serena Hotel, Dar es Salaam.

Mdhamini mpya wa yanga 2023