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Best Universities in Tanzania 2023, This is article are the current List of Top 10 universities in Tanzania 2023 ranked by World Ranking Bodies and the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU)

Top 5 Best Universities in Tanzania 2023

1.Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences TZA University

The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) started as the Dar es salaam medical school in 1963. The school then transformed into the faculty of medicine of the university of Dar es salaam that in 1991 was upgraded and became a college–the Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS).

In 1996, the Faculty of Medicine that was upgraded to a constituent College of the University of Dar es Salaam, with the aim of nurturing it to a full-fledged university later on was merged with the Muhimbili hospital to create the Muhimbili Medical Centre (MMC).

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Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) rank no One n Tanzaia and 81 in Africa rank number 3348 out of 14,131

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2. Ardhi University

Ardhi University Campus is located in Dar es Salaam along University Road adjacent to the University of Dar es Salaam approx. 12.00 Kilometres from the Dar es Salaam City Centre.  The University is within the proximity several other academic Institutions, viz; Rwegarulila Water Resources Institute, The National Institute of Transport, The Institute of Social Welfare and the National Tax Institute.

3. University of Dar es Salaam

The University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) is the oldest and premier public university in Tanzania. It is situated 13 kilometers on the western side of the city of Dar es Salaam, occupying 1,625 acres on the observation hill, famously known as Mlimani in Kiswahili.

It was established on 25th October 1961 as the University College Dar es Salaam (UCD), an affiliate college of the University of London. It was temporarily hosted in the premises belonging to Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) located in Lumumba Street, Dar es Salaam from its establishment up to 1964 when it was moved to the current location at the Hill.

4. Sokoine University of Agriculture

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) is a public University based in Morogoro Tanzania. The university is located on the slopes of the Uluguru mountains.

SUA is best known for offering courses and programmes widely in a field of Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Forestry, Animal Science, Wildlife Management, Tourism Management, Environmental Science, Food Science, Natural Resources, Nutrition, Rural Development, since its establishment.

SUA ranks Number 4 in Tanzania out of 31 universities in Tanzania

5. University of Dodoma

The University Of Dodoma is located about 8 km east of the city centre, and is accessible by public transport, which is easily available from the city centre.

Given the central location of Dodoma, UDOM is strategically positioned to serve applicants around the country and specifically Government and private sector employees living in Dodoma, who hitherto could not find training opportunities in the area. Such employees can comfortably utilise UDOM to combine work and study for their career advancement.

UDOM ranks Number five in Tanzania of 31


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