University of Arusha online application 2023/2024. Situated 32 kilometers from the beautiful city of Arusha, closer to the Arusha National Park and between the towering mountains, mountain Kilimanjaro and mountain Meru, is an institution of repute with its own uniqueness. This institution is known as the University of Arusha situated on 250 acres of land.

University of Arusha online application 2023
The only University with grammatical article, ‘the’ which goes with the name for easy identification.
This University, the University of Arusha has gone through what can be termed as educational metamorphosis. It began as a college in the 1970’s with few courses. It later expanded its curriculum to incorporate different academic departments. Later it got a license to operate as a university, and later was chartered by the government of the United Republic of Tanzania.
University of Arusha online application 2023/2024
Students Admissions Instructions
Step: 1 Read Admission Criteria, Read minimum grades/diploma GPA requirements before applying
Step: 2 Create Account (Signup Form), Register and Create an Online account in order to be able to apply to UOA.
Step: 3 Login, Use your Email Address and password created during step 2. then click on the sign in button to login and continue with application.
Step: 4, Internal Steps After Login, After Login continue with internal steps and procedures to complete and submit your application. On Internal Step 2 – Payment Verification – Skip that step and continue to the next steps.
NB: Help and Support Instructions
No Application Fee is Required for submission of your application.
In case you encounter any problems, please contact the following numbers, WHATSAPP: +255 687 873 835 | +255 744 592 702
Helpdesk: +255 687 873 835 | +255 659 492 234 | +255 744 592 702