TCU guide book 2023/24 pdf for Diploma or Equivalent Qualifications

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TCU guide book 2023/24 pdf for Diploma
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TCU guide book 2023/24 pdf for Diploma or Equivalent Qualifications, TCU guide book 2023/24 pdf, TCU Guide Book pdf, TCU guide book for diploma pdf, admission guide book for ordinary,  undergraduate admission guide book.

The Bachelor’s degree Admission Guidebook is a tool to guide HEIs, the prospective applicants and other stakeholders on the admission procedure and criteria for students admission to the HEIs and to enable TCU on the other hand to regulate the admission process in line with section 5 (1) (c) (i) of The Universities Act, Cap. 346 of the Laws of Tanzania, read together with regulation 39 of The Universities (General) Regulations, GN. No. 226 of 2013.

The guidebook is further intended to inform prospective students, parents/guidians, HEIs and stakeholders about institutions which offer Bachelor’s degree programmes, accredited Bachelor’s degree programmes in the respective admission cycle, minimum entry requirements, programme admission capacities and duration of each of the programmes.

Entry Schemes into Degree Programmes

Four entry schemes to Bachelor’s degree programmes are recognised by the Commission as follows:

  1. The direct entry qualifications for holders of Form SixQualifications;
  2. The holders of Ordinary Diploma or Equivalent Qualifications;
  3. The holders of Foundation Certificate offered by the OpenUniversity of Tanzania;and iv) The equivalent qualifications for holders of a Bachelor’s degree award.

Students’ Admission Procedure 2023

University or college admission entails processes and procedure through which students enter tertiary education at universities or colleges. It includes procedures and processes involved in the application and approval to undertake a programme of study at the University or College. Thus, the procedure describe in the forthcoming section applies to the admission of all categories of Bachelors degree students to accredited programmes under- a university, a university college or a middle-level tertiary institution.

Admission Principles

  1. a)  The admissions process shall be based on the submission of applications (available through institutions’ websites) and supporting credentials to a HEI of applicant’s preference;
  2. b)  Admission into HEIs shall be determined on the basis of approved admission pathways, applicant’s entry qualifications and the programme capacity;
  3. c)  The minimum criteria for admission into Bachelor’s Degree programmes shall be set and approved by the relevant authorities at the institutional level accredited by the Commission or the Council (for institutions under the NACTVET);
  4. d)  HEIs shall recognise admission criteria as stipulated in the Admission Guidebook issued by the Commission in the respective Admission Cycle;
  5. e)  HEIs shall assess all applications for admission in accordance with procedures that are fair and equitable, decisions regarding admission are consistent and free of bias and discrimination;
  6. f)  Applicants admitted in more than one institution shall confirm their admission to the most preferred institution as required by the Commission;
  7. g)  Students admitted to a programme will therefore commence their studies after the approval by respective University Senate or relevant authorities of an institution; and
  8. h)  All HEIs shall submit to the Commission all students admitted in the respective admission cycle for validation and record keeping using Commission’s prescribedformat.

TCU guide book 2023/24 pdf for Diploma or Equivalent Qualifications


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