www.jkt.go.tz 2023 kujitolea, Nafasi za JKT 2023 zinatoka lini, www.jkt.go.tz matangazo, www.jwtz.go.tz 2023, Jinsi ya kuwa mwanajeshi.

www.jkt.go.tz 2023 kujitolea
www.jkt.go.tz 2023 kujitolea
The Nation Building Force (JKT) has been receiving and conducting training on National Defense, patriotism, entrepreneurship, resourcefulness (through training in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Business) at different times according to the instructions from the Ministry of Defense and the Nation Building Force.
The youth of JKT are divided into two groups and they are;
- Youth Volunteers / Kujitolea and
- Law-Abiding Youth / Mujibu wa sheria
Youth Volunteers / Kujitolea
These are JKT youths who join JKT for a voluntary contract for a period of not less than two (2) years. Once enrolled, the young people are sent to various JKT camps for education and training.
Law-Abiding Youth / Mujibu wa sheria
These are the young people who join JKT according to the law. According to the constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, they serve JKT for a period of not less than (3) months. Currently, the young people responsible for the law are those students who have completed form six from various schools in mainland Tanzania.
Sifa za kujiunga na JKT kujitolea
1. Be a citizen of Tanzania
2. He should be between 18-23 years old
3. He must have completed the seventh grade and continue
4. He should not be married or be married and should not have anyone dependent on him
5. He should be ready to follow all the military laws that will apply to him while he is in the army (escape, theft, drunkenness, smoking marijuana, drugs and getting pregnant, etc.)
6. He should be ready to return home after finishing his contract with the Nation Building Force
7. He should have a good character and conduct
How to Apply JKT 2023
JKT recruits young volunteers from all regions of the country every year. The procedure used is for the JKT to write a letter to the heads of the Regions and align the positions that the region has been allocated.
After the Region received a letter from the Head of JKT with the number of places for young people scheduled to join. The region distributes those positions according to its districts. Districts are also required to send to divisions, wards and villages. Often the district administration posts the announcement of those positions in their notice board. JKT announces the opportunities to join the army through the Government and private media with the intention of speeding up the information. kia citizens especially young people.
Initial interviews are held under the District Defense and Security Committees where the young people come from, later they are held in the region, to get the number of young people in the entire region.
When the exercise is completed in the regions, JKT sends teams of officers and soldiers from the JKT Headquarters to check the interviewed youths in all the regions of Mainland Tanzania. Young people are tested for their health and transported to JKT forces.
Naomba nafasi yakujitolea katika kujenga taifa jkt
Kwa jina naitwa saidi kahana ni mkazi wa tabora manispaa kata ya kiloleni mimi ni muhitimu wa kidato cha nne katika shule ya sekondari nimefaulu wastani wa divition three nimepangiwa chuo cha tpsc tabora lakini mzazi wangu hana hela ya kunisomesha hivyo kwa hiyari yangu naomba msahada wa kuingia jkt kwa kujitole simu no 0685789984
nenda kwenye ofisi za wilaya ulipo ukajiandikishe
Kwa majina naitwa Reminata mwesigwa sanga naomba nafasi ya kujiunga na jeshi la kujenga taifa Kwa kujitolea 2023