DBE Matric Results 2023 Newspaper pdf, matric results 2023 newspaper pdf download, matric results 2024, matric results 2024 newspaper, matric results 2024 newspaper PDF download. The 2023 National Senior Certificate examinations will conclude on 6 December 2023 and the Minister of Basic Education, Mrs Angie Motshekga, will announce the outcome of the examinations on 18 January 2024. Results will be released to candidates on 19 January 2024. Some results may not be available because of technical issues.

Dbe Matric Results 2023 Newspaper Pdf

Matric Results 2024

The matric results are significant for students as they determine their eligibility for admission to universities and colleges. Students who achieve good results may be able to gain admission to their preferred institutions and pursue further studies in their chosen fields.

Students who have written the matric exams can access their results by using their examination numbers and personal details. In addition to the official release of the results, newspapers often publish supplements or special editions dedicated to the matric results.

Candidates are urged to get their statements of results from their school/centre where they wrote the exams. Candidates’ results will also be available on this website from 6am on 19 January 2024.

Result queries should be submitted for investigation within 30 days after the release of results.

Candidates must ensure that names and identity numbers reflect correctly on their statement of results and report any required corrections to the Department before 21 February 2024.

DBE Matric Results 2023 Newspaper pdf DOWNLOAD

The results will be published by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and will be available on the DBE website as well as in various newspapers

The candidates are still waiting for the Department of Basic Education to announce matric results 2024 . There is a number of options to check your DBE Matric Results 2023 but one of the easiest way you can use is Online. Here are the steps you can take to check your Basic Education Matric Results 2022 Online.

  • Visit official website of the Department of Basic Education https://www.education.gov.za/MatricResults/ExamResults/tabid/175/Default.aspx
  • Register using your details. (Please note you can only register for matric results until February 22nd the day before the marks are released).
  • Click on the link for 2023 NSC exam results.
  • Enter your examination number.
  • Your results will appear on the screen.
  • Click the download button and print.

Check here the results Online

How to Check MATRIC Results 2024 in different Platform

MATRIC Results 2024, Students who have completed their matric exams in 2024 can access their results in various ways. The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has made it possible for students to access their results through online platforms, SMS and USSD services, and schools and education center.

Students can access their matric results through the DBE website or the National Examination Results website. To access their results, students need to enter their exam number and select the year of the exam. The results will be displayed on the screen, and students can print or download them for future reference.

You can get more information about Matric Results 2023 Newspaper PDF Download  by visiting official website link https://www.education.gov.za/MatricResults/ExamResults/tabid/175/Default.aspx

SMS and USSD Services

Students who prefer to receive their results via SMS can register for the service by sending their ID number and exam number to a designated number. They will receive their results via SMS as soon as they are released. Alternatively, students can use the USSD service by dialing a specific number and following the prompts to access their results.

Schools and Education Center

Students can also access their results by visiting their school or education center. The results will be displayed on notice boards, and students can obtain a hard copy of their results from their school or education center.

It is important to note that students who are not satisfied with their results can apply for a remark or recheck of their exam papers. The application process for remarking or rechecking exam papers is available on the DBE website or through the student’s school or education center.


The supplementary examination in February/March has been phased out and is therefore no longer available. A new examination is available during May/June where candidates can improve their results or complete outstanding results. The closing date for application for 2024 is 8 February 2024.

Conditions for entry

  • Candidates can only register for subjects which they were registered for in any previous November examination.
  • Candidates who were absent with a valid reason (medical unfit, death in the immediate family or other special reasons*) from one or more external question papers, may register for the NSC June examination, provided they have valid external paper marks (PAT, Oral and SBA).
  • Any NSC candidate (who wrote exams from 2008 November onwards) who wants to improve their overall achievement status, or only wants to improve the achievement of a subject, may register for the NSC June examination.
  • In the case where a candidate was absent for one or more papers in the November exam with a valid reason, the candidate has to write all the papers for the registered subject(s).
  • In a case where an irregularity is being investigated, provisional enrolment for NSC June examination may be granted to the candidate concerned, pending the outcome of the investigation.
  • Candidates who did not write or complete one or more of the NSC November examination question papers for reasons other than illness/injury or death in the family, may also apply to write the NSC June examination, provided they have valid external paper marks (PAT, Oral and SBA).
  • Result queries should be submitted for investigation within 30 days after the release of results.
  • Candidates must ensure that names and identity numbers reflect correctly on their statement of results and report any required corrections to the Department before 30/08/2024.

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