Call for Interview UHAMIJI 2024, majina ya walioitwa kwenye usaili utumishi 2024. The Immigration Services Department is established under Section 4(1) of the Immigration Act of 1995 Chapter 54 as amended by Act No.8 of 2015. It gives the Department the authority to control and facilitate immigration issues in the United Republic of Tanzania. The Department is one of the security organs under Ministry of Home Affairs.

Call for Interview UHAMIJI 2024
Ministry of Home Affairs which is mandated to formulate and monitor implementation of Policies on Public Safety; Immigration, Refugees, Fire and Rescue Services; Police Force Services; Prisons Services; Immigration and Citizenship Services; Registration and Coordination of Societies and Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs); Citizenship; National Identification; Refugees Services; Fire and Rescue Services; Probation, Parole and Community Services; Repatriation of Destitute; Performance Improvement and Development of Human Resources; Extra Ministerial Departments, Parastatals Organization, Agencies and Projects and Programmes under this Ministry.
Call for Interview UHAMIJI 2024
Majina ya walioitwa kwenye usaili utumishi 2024. In December 2023, the Tanzanian immigration force announced employment opportunities for young people, where the deadline for sending applications was January 12, 2024. After the exercise of sending applications is completed, the next thing is the exercise of being called to iterview for those who will be selected. The names of those called to the interview have not yet been released, we will continue to inform you through this post, keep browsing this website