TS DSC 2024 notification, ts dsc official website, TS DSC official website notification, ts dsc recruitment 2024. Candidates who want to be appointed as Teacher in government aided schools of Telangana are eagerly waiting for the release of the advertisement, which is made public officially by February 29, 2024. Each individual needs to know that to apply, one has to provide details, upload documents and pay the application fee.
TS DSC recruitment 2024
Notification will be available most probably at https://tsdsc.aptonline.in/ by the School Education Department, Telangana. Shortly after its release, links to apply for the post of Teacher will be activated at above. After the release of the advertisement for the recruitment drive, a window to apply will be available for approximately four weeks.

ts dsc recruitment 2024
TS DSC 2024 notification
Notification For Recruitment of School Assistants, Secondary Grade Teachers, Language Pandits & Physical Education Teachers and Special Education Teachers in Primary Level in the category of Secondary Grade Teacher and Special
Education Teachers in Upper Primary/Secondary Level in the category of School
Assistant under Government and Local body schools in the State through DSC- 2024.
1. The Government vide G.O.Ms.No.96, Finance (HRM-VII) Department, Dated 25.08.2023 have permitted to fill up teaching posts of (5089) teacher posts under various categories i.e., SAs, SGTs, LPs & PETs under Government and Local body schools in the State. Further, Government vide G.O Ms. No. 25 School Education
(Ser.II) Dept., Dt. 05.09.2023 have issued Rules for Telangana Direct Recruitment for the posts of Teachers (Scheme of Selection) Rules, 2023.
2. Accordingly, the Commissioner, School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad has issued DSC-2023 Notification No. 20/RC-1/TRT/DSC/2023, Dated 06.09.2023 for above (5089) teacher posts.
3. Meanwhile, Government vide G.O.Ms No. 27 Finance (HRM.VII) Department, Dated: 26.02.2024 have also permitted to fill up (4957) Direct Recruitment teacher posts under various categories in Government and Local Body Schools in the State and also vide G.O.Ms.No.26, Finance (HRM.VII) Department, Dated 26.02.2024 have permitted to fill up (796) Special Education Teachers in Primary Level and (220) Special Education Teachers in Upper Primary/Secondary Level in Government and Local Body Schools in the State totaling to (11062) Direct Recruitment posts for DSC-2024.
4. In view of the above, Government of Telangana have decided to cancel the teacher recruitment of DSC-2023 Notification No. 20/RC-1/DSC/TRT/2023, Dated: 06.09.2023 for (5089) vacancies. Accordingly notification is hereby cancelled for issuing a comprehensive fresh notification.5. All the candidates who have applied in response to the above notification are hereby informed that their applications will be automatically carried forward in the fresh notification. They need not apply again.
6. Further, the Government vide G.O.Ms. No.1, School Education (Ser.III) Dept., Dt. 28.02.2024 have issued amendment orders to the Rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.25 School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dated 05.09.2023 for Telangana Direct Recruitment for the posts of Teachers (Scheme of Selection) Rules, 2023. The Government have issued G.O.Ms.No.4, School Education (Ser.III) Dept., Dt. 28.02.2024 for Telangana Direct Recruitment (Scheme of Selection Rules, 2024) to the posts of Special Education Teachers in Primary Level and Special Education Teachers in Upper Primary/Secondary
Level under Government and Local Body Schools in the State.
7. In pursuance to the above Government orders, applications are invited Online through the prescribed application to be made available on website (https://schooledu.telangana.gov.in) from 04.03.2024 to 02.04.2024 for
recruitment to the posts of SAs, SGTs, LPs, PETs and Special Education Teachers in
Primary Level and Special Education Teachers in Upper Primary/Secondary Level in
Government and Local Body Schools in the State through District Selection Committee-
2024 for (11062) posts in all categories.
8. District wise notified teacher posts for Recruitment is given in Annexure.
9. The applicants are required to carefully go through the Information Bulletin and should satisfy themselves as to their eligibility for this Recruitment, before payment of fee and submission of application. The Information Bulletin will be available on website (https://schooledu.telangana.gov.in) from 04.03.2024 which can be downloaded
free of cost.
10. (a) Fee – The fee to be paid towards application processing and written test is Rs.1000/- per post. Candidates intending to appear for multiple posts shall pay th fee of Rs.1000/- separately for each post and submit separate applications for each of the post applying for. (b) Mode of payment of fee – The fee can be paid online using Credit Card Debit Card /
Net-banking service through the payment gateway link to be provided on the website https://schooledu.telangana.gov.in from 04.03.2024 to 02.04.2024 and submission of application from 04.03.2024 to 03.04.2024.
13. The step by step procedure for submission of application through online will be given in USER GUIDE on website (https://schooledu.telangana.gov.in) which will be made available from 04.03.2024. The post, community and medium wise vacancies in each district will be available on web site (https://schooledu.telangana.gov.in) from (04)
four days of this present notification i.e., on 04.03.2024.
14. AGE: i) The candidates should possess the Minimum 18 years & Maximum 46 years. The age is reckoned as on 01/07/2023 (Rule-12(1)(a)(v) of State and Subordinate Service Rules).
ii) Age Relaxations: The upper age limit prescribed above is however relaxable in the following cases:
15. Qualifications: Post-wise qualifications are given in the Information Bulletin.
16. (a) The written test shall be Computer Based Recruitment Test (CBRT) to be conducted “ONLINE” at the following centers:
1) Mahabubnagar, 2) Ranga Reddy, 3) Hyderabad, 4) Medak,
5) Nizamabad, 6) Adilabad, 7) Karimnagar, 8) Warangal,
9) Khammam, 10) Nalgonda and 11) Sangareddy.
(b) Candidates can submit their order of preference of test centers in their application. However, assigning of candidates to centers depends on the capacity and availability of centers on that particular date.