Applied jobs ajira Jeshi la Polisi 2024: Utajuaje umesha tuma maombi? Police force job application system 2024, After filling in all necessary your information on this job application portal in the Tanzania police force, the next step is to apply for jobs. To apply you need to do the following things.
Go; Find Jobs or Click Home
When you click Home, you will choose the job you want to apply for according to your level of education, for example, Education level, for example, form four, then go to Jobs category, then go to Job Title, then Search.
If you search, it will bring you information about the job you want to apply for and then you will be able to apply and enter the job application letter. Then after you will receive a message that you have successfully applied in the police force.
If you want to know the job you applied for, go to the Applied Jobs section, You will see the job you applied for along with your CV and your attached application letter