Nafasi za kujiunga na jeshi 2024, Nafasi za kujiunga na JWTZ 2024, Nafasi za kujiunga na JKT 2024, Nafasi za Kujiunga na jeshi la polisi 2024. If you want to join military in Tanzania, this is the article for you. Tanzania have various military force including JWTZ (Jeshi la wanazania Tanzania), JKT – Jeshi la Kujenga Taifa, Jeshi la Uhamiaji, Jeshi la Polisi, Jeshi la Magereza.
JWTZ – Jeshi la wanazania Tanzania
The history of work and activities of protection and security here in Tanzania started from the time of our ancestors. Many communities that lived in different areas in this country had traditional protection that involved every member of the community. Traditional defense was the basis of the security of all communities at that time. The weapons used by our ancestors were poor such as bows, spears, sickles, swords and swords as basic weapons to protect their communities. Each tribe had a way of preparing their young people to learn the use of weapons and later the young people were given the responsibility of protecting their communities.
How to Join JWTZ
Any person will be enlisted to join the Tanzania People’s Defense Force (JWTZ) with the following qualifications:-
- Be a citizen of Tanzania
- He should have education of form four and continue and he should be successful..
- Be single/unmarried
- He should be between 18 and 25 years old
- He should have good character and conduct
- May he be of sound mind and good health
JKT – Jeshi la Kujenga Taifa
The history of the establishment of JKT begins in 1958 during the visit of national leaders to Ghana, where the Father of the Nation Mwl. Nyerere and Hon. Rashid Kawawa (Simba wa Vita) went to attend the celebrations to celebrate one year of the country’s independence.
The restoration of JKT training in accordance with the law was one of the things that was given high priority in the fourth phase of the government of the United Republic of Tanzania under the Commander-in-Chief and President of the United Republic of Tanzania Mr. Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete. The government of the fourth phase has brought back JKT training because of the good will to continue building patriotism for the youth of Tanzania. It will be remembered that due to the difficult economic situation, the Government could not afford to conduct JKT training in accordance. On June 15, 1994 JKT training was temporarily suspended in accordance with the law.
How to Join JKT
The Nation Building Force (JKT) has been receiving and conducting training on National Defense, patriotism, entrepreneurship, resourcefulness (through training in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Business) at different times according to the instructions from the Ministry of Defense and the Nation Building Force.
The youth of JKT are divided into two groups and they are;
- 1. Youth Volunteers and
- 2. Law-Abiding Youth.
Jeshi la Uhamiaji
The Immigration Services Department is established under Section 4(1) of the Immigration Act of 1995 Chapter 54 as amended by Act No.8 of 2015. It gives the Department the authority to control and facilitate immigration issues in the United Republic of Tanzania. The Department is one of the security organs under Ministry of Home Affairs.
Sifa za Kujiunga Uhamiaji
- Be a citizen of Tanzania;
- He must have attended and completed the training of the National Building Force (JKT) or the Building Force
- Economy (JKU) who are in the camps or have already returned to the Uraiani;
- He/she is unemployed or has never been employed by any Government Institution;
- Have a Birth Certificate;
- Have a National Identity Card or Identification Number issued by the National Identity Authority (NIDA);
- He should be in good physical and mental health certified by a Government Doctor,
- He has never used drugs;
- He should not have any Records or Information of being involved in criminal or criminal matters or events;
- He should not have any marks or drawings (Tattoos) in his body;
- Whether he is single or married or has a child;
- An applicant with a Fourth Form Education should be between 18 and 23 years old, an Applicant with a Sixth Form Education and Diploma should be between 18 and 26 years old and an Applicant with a Bachelor’s Education should be between 18 and 30 years old .
- Be ready to work for the Immigration Department anywhere in Tanzania.
- He should be ready to pay for himself in all stages of monitoring and conducting the exercise