The Karagwe State Enrollment Officer wishes to inform all applicants who applied for the job of Assistant Clerks and Biometric Equipment Operators that the interview will be held on July 22, 2024 at the Secondary School Hall
Bugene at 2:00 am.
The interviewees called for the interview should follow the following instructions:-
- The interview will be held on 22 July, 2024 at the Secondary School Hall Bugene at 2:00 am.
- Each interviewee should have identification for identification order
- Acceptable ID is NIDA ID, Caller ID Vote, Passport and Driver’s License.
- Each interviewee will cover their own Food, Travel and Accommodation.
- Each interviewee should note the date, time and place for the interview.
- Each interviewee must bring a Form 4 certificate and a birth certificate.
- Job applicants whose names did not appear in this advertisement should not hesitate to apply again when the job
- vacancies are announced again in accordance with the conditions of the relevant advertisement.