TAIFA GAS TANZANIA LIMITED (TAIFA GAS) started as MIHAN GAS COMPANY LIMITED (MIHAN GAS) and was incorporated on 19th May 2005, with certificate of incorporation number 52508 under the Companies Ordinance (Cap 212) as a limitedcompany in the United Republic of Tanzania. The Company spent two years in its initial startup investment and eventually started business in the market in year 2008.
Taifa Gas is currently hiring for two exciting mechanical engineering positions. Below are the details of each position, including how to apply.
1. Mechanical Engineer – Graduate Trainee (GT)
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Position Type: Graduate Trainee
Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering or related field
Entry Level – Fresh graduate year 2023 or 2024
Proficiency in common design software such as AutoCAD, SolidWorks, or Plant 3D
Experience in the Oil & Gas industry will be an added advantage
Good knowledge and skills in engineering design codes and standards, preferably in the oil and gas industry
Taifa Gas Tanzania Limited
TAIFA GAS TANZANIA LIMITED (TAIFA GAS) started as MIHAN GAS COMPANY LIMITED (MIHAN GAS) and was incorporated on 19th May 2005, with certificate of incorporation number 52508 under the Companies Ordinance (Cap 212) as a limitedcompany in the United Republic of Tanzania. The Company spent two years in its initial startup investment and eventually started business in the market in year 2008.
Taifa Gas is currently hiring for two exciting mechanical engineering positions. Below are the details of each position, including how to apply.
1. Mechanical Engineer – Graduate Trainee (GT)
How to Apply:
Send your CV to: jobs@taifagas.co.tz
Application Deadline: Tuesday, 12th November 2024 at 10:00 AM.
Note: Do not send or attach certificates at this stage.
2. Mechanical Engineer
How to Apply:
Send your CV to: jobs@taifagas.co.tz
Application Deadline: Tuesday, 12th November 2024 at 10:00 AM.
Note: Do not send or attach certificates at this stage.