Diploma Loan Application Window for ‘March Intake’ | Dirisha la maombi ya mkopo kwa Diploma 2024
We inform diploma students who will be admitted in March Intake that the application window for diploma loans will be open from 15/01/2025 to 15/02/2025.
Students who expect to apply for loans in the five priority areas and other students who have admission to these programs and are not beneficiaries are advised to use this opportunity to apply for loans based on the programs contained in the list available on this website under the name LIST OF DEGREE PROGRAMS 2024/2025.

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Kama wameamua kutoa mikopo si watoe kwa course zote kwamba zilizo Baki wanao soma hizo zingine Wana hera nyingi au hapa serikari inabidi itazame kwa jicho lingine make Kuna wanachuo wengine wanashidwa kuenderea na chuo kwa kukosa ada