Hizi hapa kozi za muda mrefu zinazotolewa VETA 2025/2026. Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) ni vyuo vinavyotoa mafunzo ya ufundi kote Tanzania katika mikoa mbali mbali. Mafunzo ya VETA yamejikitaka katika kufundisha ujuzi mbali mbali ambao unamwezesha mwananfuzi kupata ujuzi utakaomsaidia kujiriwa au kujiajiri katika sekta mbali mbali.
The following are the procedures for joining VETA centres: PROCEDURES FOR JOINING VETA CENTRES
- i. Maombi ya kujiunga na vituo vya VETA yanaanza Agosti kila mwaka, kupitia matangazo kwenye vyombo vya habari na tovuti ya VETA: www.veta.go.tz;
- ii. Maombi yanafuatwa na Mtihani wa Aptitude, unaofanywa mnamo Oktoba.
- iii. Mwombaji anaruhusiwa kufanya majaribio ya uwezo katika eneo alilochukua fomu ya maombi wewe kituo kilichochaguliwa kwa ajili ya mafunzo kinaweza kuwa katika mkoa mwingine wowote;
- iv. Wagombea waliofaulu wanajulishwa mnamo Novemba au Desemba, tayari kuanza mafunzo Januari mwaka ujao;
- v. Waombaji waliofaulu hupewa barua ya maelekezo ya kujiunga ambayo yanaeleza mahitaji muhimu ya mafunzo. Mahitaji yanatofautiana kutoka kituo kimoja hadi kingine, kazi ya kutekelezwa na iwe bweni au siku;
- vi. Katika kuingia, mkufunzi huanzia ngazi ya I, ambayo ni ngazi ya chini kabisa. Maendeleo baada ya hapo ni katika ngazi ya II na III
READ ALSO: Kozi za veta na gharama zake 2025 pdf download
Garama za Mafunzo ya Muda mrefu VETA 2025
Ada ya sasa ya mwaka kwa kozi ndefu kwa vituo vya VETA, ni Tsh 60,000/= kwa wanafunzi wa kutwa, na Tsh 120,000/= kwa bweni. Walakini, ada zinaweza kubadilika wakati wowote kulingana na mabadiliko ya gharama za uendeshaji.
Hizi hapa kozi za muda mrefu zinazotolewa VETA 2025/2026
1. Pwani RVTSC
- 1. Auto Electric (AE)
- 2. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 3. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC)
- 4. Electrical Installation (EL) 5. Laboratory Assistant (LA)
- 6. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 7. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
- 8. Electronics (ELEC)
- 9. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
2. Dodoma RVTSC
- 1. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 2. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
- 3. Road Construction and Maintenance (RCM)
- 4. Civil Draughting (CD)
- 5. Painting and Sign writing (PS)
- 6. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 7. Fitter Mechanics (FM)
- 8. Meat Processing Technology (MPT)
- 9. Electronics (ELEC)
- 10. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 11. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 12. Food Production (FP)
- 13. Food & Beverage Services & Sales (FBSS)
- 14. Front Oce (FO)
- 15. House Keeping and Laundry (HK)
- 16. Plumbing and Pipe tting (PPF)
- 17. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
3. Singida VTC
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
- 3. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 4. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
- 5. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 6. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 7. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 8. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 9. Animal Husbandry (AH)
4. Dar es Salaam RVTSC
- 1. Civil Draughting (CD)
- 2. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 3. Fitter Mechanics (FM)
- 4. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
- 5. Laboratory Assistant (LA)
- 6. Electronics (ELEC)
- 7. Book Binding and Printing Finishing (PT)
- 8. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC)
- 9. Truck Mechanics (TM)
- 10. Welding and Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 11. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 12. Oce Machine Mechanics (OMM)
- 13. Auto Body Repair (ABR)
- 14. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 15. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 16. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- 17. Painting and Sign writing (PS)
- 18. Plumbing and Pipe tting (PPF)
- 19. O Set Machine Printing (OSMP)
- 20. Pre Press and Digital Printing (PPDP)
5. Kipawa ICT Centre
- 1. Electronics (EL)
- 2. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- 3. Electrical Installation and Automation (ELA)
- 4. Multimedia and Film Technology
6. kigoma RVTSC
- 1. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 2. Auto Electric (AE)
- 3. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 4. Electronics (ELEC)
- 5. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 6. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 7. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- 8. Food Production (FP) 9. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC)
- 10. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 11. Auto Body Repair (ABR)
- 12. Painting and Sign writing (PS)
- 13. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
- 14. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 15. Carpentry & Joinery (CJ)
7. Shinyanga VTC
- 1. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 2. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 3. Electrical Installation (EL) 4. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 5. Heavy Duty Electrical Mechanics (HDEM)
- 6. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 7. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
- 8. Plant Operator (PO)
- 9. Plumbing and Pipe tting (PPF)
- 10. Germ Stone Cutting, Polishing & Curving (GSCPC)
8. Tabora RVTSC
- 1. Auto Body Repair (ABR)
- 2. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 3. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 4. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
- 5. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 6. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 7. Auto Electric (AE)
- 8. Handloom Weaving (HW)
- 9. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 10. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
9. Kagera VTC
- 1. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 2. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 3. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 4. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 5. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 6. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
10. Mara VTC
- 1. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 2. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 3. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 4. Auto Electric (AE)
- 5. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 6. Plumbing And Pipe Fitting (PPF)
- 7. Painting & Sign writing (PS)
- 8. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 9. Carpentry & Joinery (CJ)
11. Mwanza RVTSC
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 3. Carpentry & Joinery (CJ)
- 4. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 5. Fitter Mechanics (FM)
- 6. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
- 7. Food Production (FP)
- 8. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 9. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 10. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 11. Painting and Sign writing (PS)
12. Mpanda VTC (P. O. Box 190, Mpanda. Tel: 0745123015 Email: mpandavtc@veta.go.tz Location: Shanwe)
- 1. Agro Mechanics (AGRO)
- 2. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 3. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 4. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 5. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
- 6. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 7. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 8. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
13. Lindi RVTSC; ( P. O. Box 1001, Lindi. Tel: 023 2935150 Email: lindirvtsc@veta.go.tz Location: Mitwero, Lindi Municipality)
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 3. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 4. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 5. Carpentry & Joinery (CJ)
- 6. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 7. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC)
- 8. Food Production (FP)
- 9. Food & Beverage Services & Sales (FBSS)
- 10. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 11. Business Operation Assistant (BOA)
14. Tanga RVTSC: P. O. Box 1204, Tanga Tel: 027 2644271 / 2644617 Email : tangarvtsc@veta.go.tz Location: Gofu, Tanga Town
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 3. Auto Electrical (AE)
- 4. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 5. Fitter Mechanics (FM)
- 6. Painting and Sign writing (PS)
- 7. Secretarial & Computer Application Courses (SC)
- 8. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 9. Auto Body Repair (ABR) 10. Carpentry & Joinery (CJ)
- 11. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
- 12. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 13. Food Production (FP)
- 14. Food, Beverage Services & Sales (FBSS)
15. Moshi RVTSC:Â P.O. Box 1738, Moshi Tel: 027 2754269 / 2753901 Email: moshirvtsc@veta.go.tz Location: Market street near Old Moshi Airport
- 1. Civil Draughting (CD)
- 2. Tool and Die Making (TDM)
- 3. Electronics (ELEC)
- 4. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC)
- 5. Fitter Mechanics (FM)
- 6. Pattern Making And Foundry (PMF)
- 7. Machine Tool Maintenance (MTM)
- 8. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 9. Instrument Automation (IA) 10. Food Production (FP)
- 11. Dual – Hotel
- 12. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 13. Heavy Moving Equipment (MVM)
- 14. Auto Electrical (AE)
- 15. Fitting and Machinist (FM)
- 16. Boiler Mechanics and Pipe Fitting (BMPF)
16. Iringa RVTSC:Â P.O. Box 778, Iringa Tel: 026 2702865 Email: iringarvtsc@veta.go.tz Location: Near Samora Stadium
- 1. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 2. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 3. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 4. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 5. Painting & Sign writing (PS) 6. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 7. Fitter Mechanics (FM)
- 8. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 9. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
- 10. Food Production (FP) 11. Food & Beverage Services & Sales (FBSS)
- 12. Carpentry & Joinery (CJ)
17: Songea VTC:Â P. O. Box 902, Songea Tel: 025 26024420 Email: songeavtc@veta.go.tz Location: Msamala, Songea town
- 1. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 2. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 3. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 4. Carpentry & Joinery (CJ)
- 5. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 6. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 7. Masonry & Bricklaying (MB)
- 8. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
- 9. Auto Electrical (AE)
18. Mikumi VTC:Â P. O. Box 110, Mikumi Tel: 023 2620458 Email: mikumivtc@veta.go.tz Location: Mikumi town, Morogoro
- 1. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
- 2. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 3. Fitter Mechanics (FM)
- 4. Masonry & Bricklaying (MB)
- 5. Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
- 6. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 7. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM) 8. Food Production (FP)
- 9. Food & Beverage Sales & Services (FBSS)
- 10. Front Oce Operations (FO)
- 11. House Keeping (HK)
- 12. Tour Guiding (TG)
- 13. Eco Tourism
19: Mbeya RVTCS:Â P. O. Box 1020, Mbeya Tel: 025 2504372 Email: mbeyarvtsc@veta.go.tz Location: Barabara ya Ikulu, Ilomba Kata ya Ilemi
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 3. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 4. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 5. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 6. Fitter Mechanics (FM)
- 7. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 8. Auto Body Repair (ABR)
- 9. Auto Electrical (AE)
- 10. Carpentry & Joinery (CJ)
- 11. Food Production (FP)
- 12. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
20. Arusha VTC:Â P. O. Box 509, Arusha. Tel: 027 2500968 Email: arushavtc@veta.go.tz Location: Oljoro, near JKT
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 3. Agro Mechanics (AGM)
- 4. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
- 5. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 6. Carpentry & Joinery (CJ)
- 7. Masonry & Bricklaying (MB)
21. Manyara RVTSC:Â P. O. Box 485, Manyara. Tel: 027 2975113 Email: manyararvtsc@veta.go.tz Location: Babati
- 1. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 2. Electronics (ELEC)
- 3. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 4. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 5. Laboratory Assistant (LA)
- 6. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 7. Agro Mechanics (AGM)
- 8. Carpentry & Joinery (CJ)
- 9. Electrical Installation (EL)
22: Mtwara RVTSC:Â P. O. Box 58, Mtwara. Tel: 023 2333808 / 2333485 Email: mtwararvtsc@veta.go.tz Location: Shangani, Mtwara Municipality.
- 1. Painting and Sign writing (PS)
- 2. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 3. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 4. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
- 5. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 6. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
- 7. Auto Electrical (AE)
- 8. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 9. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 10. Secretarial and Computer Application (SC)
- 11. Business Operation Assistant (BOA)
- 12. Laboratory Assistant (LA)
- 13. Food Production (FP)
- 14. Food & Beverage Services & Sales (FBSS)
23: Kihonda RVTSC: P. O. Box 2208, Morogoro. Tel: 023 2935186 Email: kihondarvtsc@veta.go.tz Location: Kihonda, o Dodoma road (15km from Morogoro)
- 1. Auto Electrical (AE)
- 2. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC)
- 3. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 4. Fitter Mechanics (FM)
- 5. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 6. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 7. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 8. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
- 9. Agro Mechanics (AGM)
- 10. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
24. Dakawa VTC:Â P. O. Box 1696, Morogoro Tel: 023 2935191 Email: dakawavtc@veta.go.tz Location: Dakawa- 60km from Morogoro town, o Dodoma Road
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
- 3. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 4. Leather Goods & Shoe Making (LG)
- 5. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
- 6. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 7. Agro Mechanics (AGM)
- 8. Food Production (FP)
- 9. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
25. Ulyankulu VTC: P. O. Box 111, Tabora Tel: 0737 306 598 Email: ulyankuluvtc@veta.go.tz Location: Ulyankulu 90km from Tabora
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Secretarial & Computer Application (SC)
- 3. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 4. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
- 5. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 6. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
26. Makete VTC: Boarding and Day P. O. Box 138, Makete Tel: 026 2968873 Email: maketedvtc@veta.go.tz Location: Iwawa, Makete
- 1. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 2. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 3. Carpentry & Joinery (CJ)
- 4. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
27. Busokelo DVTC: P. O. Box 630, Tukuyu. Tel: 0620 820923 Email: busokelodvtc@veta.go.tz Location: Busokelo, Tukuyu
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 3. Carpentry & Joinery (CJ)
28. VETA Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (VHTTI):Â P. O. Box 1434, Arusha. Tel: 027 2970096 Email: vhtti@veta.go.tz Location: Njiro, Kwa Msola
- 1. Food Production (FP)
- 2. Food & Beverage Services & Sales (FBSS)
- 3. Front Office Operation (FO)
- 4. Tour Guide (TG)
29. Ileje DVTC: P. O. Box 58, Ileje. Tel: 0754 588 261 Email: ilejedvtc@veta.go.tz Location: Isongole, Songwe
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
30. Nkasi DVTC Boarding and Day:Â P. O. Box 116, Nkasi. Tel: 0736 117116 Email: nkasidvtc@veta.go.tz Location: Paramawe
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 3. Secretarial and Computer Application (SC)
- 4. Masonry & Bricklaying (MB)
- 5. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
31. Urambo DVTC:Â P. O. Box 133, Tabora. Tel: 0787 682697 Email: urambodvtc@veta.go.tz Location: Chekereni
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 3. Secretarial and Computer Application (SC)
- 4. Masonry & Bricklaying (MB)
32. Namtumbo DVTC: P. O. Box 902, Songea. Tel: 025 260244 Email: namtumbodvtc@veta.go.tz Location: Suluti, Namtumbo
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
- 3. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 4. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 5. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
- 6. Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanics (HDEM)
33. Karagwe DVTC: P. O. Box 62, Karagwe Tel: 028 2227164, 0758 556 485 Email: karagwedvtc@veta.go.tz Location: Karagwe
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 3. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 4. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 5. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
- 6. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 7. Secretarial and Computer Application (SC)
- 8. Electronics (ELEC)
34. Kanadi VTC:Â P. O. Box 118, Bariadi. Email: kanadivtc@veta.go.tz Location: Kanadi, Itilima, Simiyu
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 3. Secretarial and Computer Application (SC)
35. Nyamidaho VTC: P. O. Box 1068, Kigoma. Email: nyamidahovtc@veta.go.tz Location: Makere Ward, Kasulu
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 3. Secretarial and Computer Application (SC)
- 4. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
36. Chato DVTC:Â P. O. Box 168, Chato. Tel: 0686 760 060 & 0767 918 308 Email: chatodvtc@veta.go.tz Location: Itale, Muungano Ward
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 3. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 4. Plumbing & Pipe fitting (PPF)
- 5. Food Production (FP) 6. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 7. Food & Beverage Services & Sales (FBSS)
- 8. Fishing & Fish Processing
37. Ndolage VTC: P. O. Box 16, Bukoba. Email: ndolagevtc@veta.go.tz Location: Kamachumu, Bukoba
- 1. Secretarial and Computer Application (SC)
- 2. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 3. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 4. Welding & Fabrication (WF)
38. Gorowa VTC: P. O. Box 683, Babati. Tel: +255 734 093193 Email: gorowadvtc@veta.go.tz Location: Bonga area
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Plumbing & Pipe tting (PPF)
- 3. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
39. Simanjiro DVTC:Â P. O. Box 376, Dodoma Email: simanjirodvtc@veta.go.tz Location: Loiborisoit A, Emburate Ward
- 1. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 2. Welding & Metal Fabrication (WF)
- 3. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
40. Ruangwa DVTC: P. O. Box 110, Lindi Tel: 0738 017 172 / 0766 490 614 Email: ruangwadvtc@veta.go.tz Location: Nandagala, Ruangwa Lindi
- 1. Masonry and Bricklaying (MB)
- 2. Design Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 3. Carpentry and Joinery (CJ)
- 4. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 5. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
41. Kongwa DVTC:Â P. O. Box 51, Kongwa Tel: 0759 248 293 Email: kongwadvtc@veta.go.tz Location: Ugogoni, Kongwa District
- 1. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 2. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)
- 3. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 4. Carpentry & Joinery (CJ)
- 5. Masonry & Bricklaying (MB)
42. Ngorongoro DVTC:Â P. O. Box 79, Loliondo, Arusha Tel: 0686 555 844 / 0628 597 977 Email: ngorongorodvtc@veta.go.tz Location: Samunge, Ngorongoro
- 1. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 2. Electrical Installation (EL)
- 3. Masonry & Bricklaying (MB)
43. Mabalanga VTC: P. O. Box 12, Kilindi, Mtwara Tel: 0687 300 219 Email: mabalangavtc@veta.go.tz Location: Mabalanga, Kilindi
- 1. Design Sewing & Clothing Technology (DSCT)
- 2. Masonry & Bricklaying (MB) 3. Carpentry & Joinery (CJ)
- 4. Secretarial and Computer Application (SC)