Matokeo ya darasa la saba MTWARA _ NECTA PSLE Examinational results 2021

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NECTA PSLE Examinational results| Matokeo ya darasa la saba MTWARA

Matokeo ya darasa la saba MTWARA. Mtwara Region was officially established in 1971 as a result of the Regional Power Plan which aimed to bring services closer to the people. Prior to that the region was within the Southern Province which included Ruvuma, Lindi and Mtwara Regions

where the State Headquarters was Lindi. When this region was established it already had three (3) Districts namely Masasi established in 1928 under British colonialism, Newala in 1956 under English colonialism and Mtwara was established in 1961. Due to population growth and the growth of Mtwara Region increased Districts The other 2 are Tandahimba District established in 1995 from Newala District and Nanyumbu was established in 2006 from Masasi District.

The word Mtwara is derived from the Kimakonde language “kutwala” meaning to take (grab) anything

Check here NECTA PSLE Examinational results| Matokeo ya darasa la saba MTWARA

The National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) is Government Institution which was established by the Parliamentary Act No. 21 of 1973. NECTA is responsible for the administration of all National Examinations in Tanzania.

Functions of National Examinations of Tanzania
  • To formulate examinations policy in accordance with the principles of education for self reliance and the education and training policy
  • To ensure responsibility for examinations within the United Republic of Tanzania and to make provision for places and centres for examinations
  • To receive from other persons or bodies of persons reports or other material affecting examinations policy and from from time to time to consider and review examinations policy as circumstances may require
  • To co-operate with other persons or bodies of persons in the orderly development of an examinations system in the United Republic of Tanzania
  • To conduct examinations for, and to grant, diplomas, certificates and other awards of the the council
  • To act as the body which shall facilitate, administer and supervise foreign examinations in Tanzania
NECTA Has released The Standard Seven Results (Matokeo ya Darasa La Saba 2021)

Check the Link below to access Standard Seven Results 2021 for Mtwara Region.


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