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Gender and Youth Coordinator Job opportunity at Deloitte Dar es Salaam Tanzania

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Gender and Youth Coordinator Job opportunity at Deloitte Dar es Salaam
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Gender and Youth Coordinator Job opportunity at Deloitte Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Gender and Youth Coordinator (Ref: KHSZ/GYC/03-22)
Deloitte Tanzania has been awarded a contract to implement a Kizazi Hodari – Sothern Zone project in Tanzania. This is a five years’ project (March 2022 to February 2027) funded by the American People through USAID aiming at supporting the Government of Tanzania’s (GOT) Ministry of Health to achieve HIV epidemic control by improving the health, well-being, and protection of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) and youth in high HIV burden communities within the Southern Zones of Tanzania specifically Iringa, Njombe and Ruvuma regions.

The program intends to increase access to and use of health/HIV, social, and protection services among OVC and youth in order to contribute to 95-95-95 goals: 95% of persons living with HIV (PLHIV) know their HIV status; 95% of PLHIV who know their status are on treatment; and 95% of PLHIV on treatment are virally suppressed, by 2030. Deloitte is therefore seeking for experienced, self-motivated, a highly competent individual with exemplary ethical conduct to join Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone program as a Gender and Youth Coordinator based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose
Serve as the project-wide gender focal person, ensuring gender is integrated into all project activities, and as the youth focal person, ensuring quality and cohesiveness of all the project’s youth-focused interventions around health, particularly HIV prevention. Serve also as a technical advisor responsible for cross-cutting gender issues across the project.

Key Responsibilities
• Conduct a project-wide gender analysis to determine the state of gender inclusivity within the programme interventions and develop an implementation plan to strengthen diversified packages of services for men, women, boys, and girls.
• Develop and facilitate the implementation of a strategy to use evidence-based approaches to strengthen gender-sensitivity and gender inclusion in all project activities.
• Revise SOPs and project materials to incorporate specific actions to improve gender-sensitivity.
• Facilitate activities to help project and CSO staff improve their own gender attitudes and beliefs and raise awareness about gender dynamics and gender-based violence and develop skills for integrating gender considerations into project activities.
• Lead the design of a gender-based violence prevention toolkit, to be adapted from evidence-based approaches, for use by VSLG groups and other project platforms to facilitate community dialogues on perceptions of violence and harmful practices against women and children.
• Develop and lead the implementation of initiatives to strengthen women’s and girls’ leadership opportunities across the project.
• Provide technical support to other Technical Advisors to help them ensure the quality of project gender-based violence interventions, including male mobilization activities Monitor and promote integration of various youth approaches across the project.

• Collaborate and coordinate with the Youth Empowerment Advisor (Restless Development) to
develop a programme youth strategy to guide the project in ensuring that all targeted youth can
access and are benefitting from the continuum of OVC/AGYW services.
• Lead the implementation and technical quality for the project’s activities including sexual and
reproductive health and education subsidies for in-school OVC girls, scholarships to vocational
training and start-up kits for out of school OVC girls, and parenting interventions for caregivers of
• Collaborate with DREAMS partners, government, and other stakeholders to ensure coordination and
attend national level DREAMS related meetings, workshops, etc.

• Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine, Sociology, Gender studies or Public Health.
• Strong technical knowledge of national and international gender guidelines and policies.
• Strong technical knowledge of national and international youth programming guidelines and policies.
• At least three years’ experience in an HIV-focused field position that included gender and youth; PEPFAR experience preferred.
• Demonstrate ability to adapt policies, frameworks, and program analyses into actionable steps for
implementation at community level which are appropriate for the OVC adolescents and caregivers.
• Experience with provision of field-based mentorship and use of diverse capacity-building approaches that influence behavior change.
• Experience with creating strong working relationships with diverse stakeholders including local government, CSOs and community members.
• Demonstrate experience with using M&E data for program monitoring and decision-making, and familiarity with PEPFAR indicators and reporting requirements.
• Experience with PEPFAR 3.0 funded projects in Tanzania
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in Kiswahili and English, including report writing
• Creative thinker and energetic team player

Mode of Application

If you believe you are the right candidate for the job, submit a cover letter including your current and expected remuneration, detailed CV, copies of your academic certificates and transcripts, and three referees to KizaziHodari-SouthernZone@deloitte.co.tz For your application to be considered, it MUST quote the job title, reference number and your preferred region on the email subject line.

Submission deadline is 15th April 2022 at 4:30 p.m.
Hard copy applications will NOT be accepted. This position is on a one-year renewable contract, subject

to performance and availability of funding from the donor. The job offer is conditional to successful vetting, including professional reference checks and limited lifestyle audit.

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