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HIV Prevention Officer Jobs at Deloitte Tanzania April 2022

HIV Prevention Officer (Ref: KHSZ/HPO/03-22)
Deloitte Tanzania has been awarded a contract to implement a Kizazi Hodari – Sothern Zone project in Tanzania. This is a five years’ project (March 2022 to February 2027) funded by the American People through USAID aiming at supporting the Government of Tanzania’s (GOT) Ministry of Health to achieve HIV epidemic control by improving the health, well-being, and protection of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) and youth in high HIV burden communities within the Southern Zones of Tanzania specifically Iringa, Njombe and Ruvuma regions.

The program intends to increase access to and use of health/HIV, social, and protection services among OVC and youth in order to contribute to 95-95-95 goals: 95% of persons living with HIV (PLHIV) know their HIV status; 95% of PLHIV who know their status are on treatment; and 95% of PLHIV on treatment are virally suppressed, by 2030.

Deloitte is therefore seeking for experienced, self-motivated, a highly competent individual with exemplary ethical conduct to join Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone program as a HIV Prevention Officer based in Iringa, Njombe and Ruvuma regions.

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Job Purpose:
The HIV Prevention officer will support Assistant Manager-HIV Prevention and technical partners to implement and supervise interventions aim to increase access to HIV prevention, violence prevention and response services for OVC and youth. She/he will support scale up of evidence-based interventions for prevention of HIV and sexual violence, ensure improved VAC and GBV reporting and responses and increased education access, retention and progression among AGYW through implementation of DREAMS. She/he will collaborate with sub grantees, community and religious leaders in implementation of HIV Prevention interventions. Ensure all HIV Prevention services for OVC Kizazi Hodari are implemented at the acceptable service delivery level as per the programme design.

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Key Responsibilities:
• Support Assistant Manager-HIV Prevention in the development/review/adaptation of evidence based preventive program curricula recommended for implementation of preventive program package of services.
• Disseminate developed /adapted SOPs to guide the implementation of prevention activities among sub grantees, community and religious leaders and other partners.
• With guidance from Assistant Manager-HIV- Prevention provide training, coaching and mentorship to sub grantees, CHW/CHW, community and religious leaders and other partners to implement prevention activities.
• Work in close collaboration with RHMT, CHMT, WDC, Village government, religious leaders and CCHW/CHW to expand the reach of prevention intervention to transform harmful gender norms and unhealthy behaviors.

• Work in close collaboration with other USG partner such as Tulonge Afya and C3HP Southern to ensure preventive messages are in cooperated in SBCC strategy and campaign targeting youth.
• Support implementation of DREAMS in Mufindi district council to increase access and retention among AGYW.
• In collaboration with other regional technical officers and sub grantees support improve referral
system, reporting and response of VAC and GBV.
• Facilitate establishment and monitor functional bidirectional referrals system between preventive and comprehensive services.
• In collaboration with the Assistant Manager HIV Preventive carry out service mapping to identify potential service providers and prepare service directory to refer clients based on their needs.
• In collaboration with the partners participate in the development/review/ adaptation of evidence based preventive program curricula recommended for implementation of preventive program package of services.
• Work closely with M&E Team to ensure that all Preventive Program technical SOPs have clearly
stated links to indicators, data systems, and expected outcomes.
• Support development of annual work plan and budget specifically on proposed prevention interventions at country office and regional level.
• Write/Review prevention interventions reports (Monthly, Quarterly, semiannual and annual) and submit to Assistant Regional Programme Manager and Assistant Manager-HIV Prevention for review and inputs.
• Write success stories for sharing with GoT, Donor and other partners.
• In collaboration with other regional technical officers organize and conduct supportive supervision to monitor project implementation progress.

• Bachelor’s degree in Social science (Sociology, community development or related field).
• Minimum of 3 years relevant experience in working with vulnerable young people in prevention intervention.
• Excellent training and mentorship skills in working with adult learners.
• Experience with PEPFAR 3.0 funded projects in Tanzania.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in Kiswahili and English, including report writing and presentation skills.

Mode of Application

If you believe you are the right candidate for the job, submit a cover letter including your current and expected remuneration, detailed CV, copies of your academic certificates and transcripts, and three referees to For your application to be considered, it MUST quote the job title, reference number and your preferred region on the email subject line.

Submission deadline is 15th April 2022 at 4:30 p.m.
Hard copy applications will NOT be accepted. This position is on a one-year renewable contract, subject to performance and availability of funding from the donor. The job offer is conditional to successful vetting, including professional reference checks and limited lifestyle audit

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