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Sample of CV Ajira za walimu 2022| How to attach CV in OTEAS
CV is often an employer’s first impression of your professional and academic credentials, so it’s important to structure it in a way that best showcases your accomplishments and experience. Certain jobs in academia or medicine might require a CV instead of a resume.
A curriculum vitae, commonly referred to as CV, is a longer (two or more pages), more detailed synopsis than a resume. Your CV should be clear, concise, complete, and up-to-date with current employment and educational information.
What should be Included in CV
- Personal details and contact information. Most CVs start with contact information and personal data but take care to avoid superfluous details, such as religious affiliation, children’s names and so on.
- Education and qualifications. Take care to include the names of institutions and dates attended in reverse order; Ph.D., Masters, Undergraduate.
- Work experience/employment history. The most widely accepted style of employment record is the chronological curriculum vitae. Your career history is presented in reverse date order starting with most recent. Achievements and responsibilities are listed for each role. More emphasis/information should be put on more recent jobs.
- Skills. Include computer skills, foreign language skills, and any other recent training that is relevant to the role applied for. Brief biography ,Scholarships ,Training, Study abroad ,Dissertations Theses, Bibliography, Research experience, Graduate Fieldwork, Teaching experience ,Publications, Presentations and lectures ,Exhibitions, Awards and honors, Grants, fellowships, and assistantships, Technical, computer, and language skills, Professional licenses and certifications Memberships, Hobbies and Interests
How to attach CV in Mfumo wa maombi ya ajira za walimu 2022
CV should be attached in OTEAS in the section of application letter. Combine your application letter with you CV and then attach it to the system. To know how to combine PDF (CV and Application letter) Click here
To attach CV in OTEAS watch the Video Below
Open the PDF file below to see sample of CV
Sample of CV