Wizara ya afya Ajira za afya 2022 extended deadline for Application, ajira.moh.go.tz
The Ministry of health would like to inform you that it has extended the deadline for submitting applications for health cadre jobs on its system (ajira.moh.go.tz) which was last Friday at 9:30 pm.
The time has been extended due to applicants getting challenged in the first few days after opening the system, So applicants can submit applications until 3/5/2022 at 9pm.
As of 29/04/2022 a total of 26,110 applicants had submitted job applications to various health cadres
The Ministry would like to inform the applicants that these jobs are free of charge so avoid scams and if you experience any problems while using the system contact the following numbers
Ajira za afya 2022 Applicant Qualifications
- Be a citizen of Tanzania
- Must be at least 18 years of age and not older than 45 years
- He or she has never been employed by the Government and obtained a check number and if the applicant has been employed by the Government and obtained a Check Number,
- He or she will be required to comply with the Procedure for Transfer or Return to Public Service after resigning as specified in Circular No. CCB.228 / 271/01 dated 07 August, 2012.
- Applicant should be qualified and professional in accordance with the Staff Development Circular No.. 1 of 2009 regarding cadres under the Ministry of Health as outlined above.
Mfumo wa maombia Ajira za fya 2022
MoHCDGEC Mfumo wa maombi ya ajira za afya 2022. As for MoHCDGEC announces vacancies for graduates to apply through the website www.moh.go.tz and other media like magazines (Mwananchi) based on the cadres as per employer requirements. Applicant will then apply through www.ajira.moh.go.tz and fill their information’s as per modules which are Registration, Personal Details, Educational Details, Professional Details, Experiences Details, Documents Details and Application