Mageresho YA TASCO. Population and Housing Census 2022 will be held under the Statistics Law Chapter And. 351. Due to this law, all personal information of people collected during of the Census are confidential and will be used for statistical purposes only. In that sense,
All people involved in the exercise of counting people, must maintain the confidentiality of the information individuals of the people who will count them and they will have to take an oath of secrecy before start work. If the Census clerk or supervisor goes against the procedures imposed, strict legal action will be taken including dismissal,
and having to return the money given to him.
Legally, all people in the country are obliged to provide complete and accurate information to inquiries all that is asked in the Census. In case there is any problem about availability of information, see the leaders of the relevant area or your supervisor to find a solution that problem.
Mageresho ya TASCO
- TASCO is a task or activity of the person who does it.