Dar City Navigator 2022 | Kata Tiketi za Mwendokasi Online. DART Agency is a government entity established by GN No. 120 of 25th May 2007 under the Exective Agencies Act No. 30 of 1997 and its subsequent amendments. The key role of the DART Agency is to establish and operate the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system for Dar es Salaam. The Agency aims at achieving the following objectives:
- Establish and operate Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system for Dar es Salaam, branded Dar Rapid Transit (DART),
- Ensure orderly floor of traffic on urban streets and roads and
- Ensure effective Management of the Agency.
The Agency operates under the guidance of the President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG).
Dar City Navigator 2022 | Mfumo wa Kukata Tiketi za Mwendokasi
- You can book tickets from anywhere
- Available for Android and IOS phones
- You can pay by phone over the internet
Je uko Dar es salaam na unapata shida kupata Tket ya mabus ya mwendokasi @dartmwendokasi ingia kwenye simu yako pakua App ya Dar city Navigator! Tket kiganjani mwako! pic.twitter.com/rZmACmC0wK
— OFISI YA RAIS TAMISEMI (@ortamisemitz) October 18, 2022

Dar City Navigator
How do I get a card or a paper ticket?
In principle, more than 90 percent of DART bus users are supposed to have smart cards for bus fare when planning to take rides in the DART system. The rest of passengers can use paper tickets due to different reasons including visitors arriving from upcountry and perhaps are not intending to stay long in the city and therefore possessing a smart card for them is not necessary.
Currently, there are a few cards being used in the system. At the beginning of Interim Service Provider (ISP) period that started in 2016, the service provider sold 200,000 cards. However, later it was found that about 50, 000 cards were being used daily. The reasons for absence of the rest of cards are not yet known.
Nonetheless, DART Agency is in the process of procuring more cards so that 90 percent of the BRT users can have cards for their daily commute.
When the smart cards are available, people wanting to have smart cards, will be required to purchase them from the stations and terminals and continuing topping up fare through different media including mobile phones.