MUCE online application 2023/2024

by admin
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MUCE online application 2023/2024, MUCE offers various undergraduate education programmes leading to the award of various degrees in education. A total of five undergraduate degree programmes are offered at various academic units, these are: Bachelor of Education in Arts (B.Ed. Arts), Bachelor of Education in Science (B.Ed. Science), Bachelor of Arts with Education (B.A. Education) , Bachelor of Science with Education (B.Sc. Education) and Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (B.Sc. Chemistry).

Any interested person who has requisite entry qualifications can apply.

Admission Regulations

Applicants with direct qualifications i.e. those who have completed Advanced level of secondary education (Form VI), will have to apply through the Central Admission System as advertised by the TCU. Equivalent applicants with diplomas in Education, NTA level 6 and non-NTA level 6 recognized by TCU will also apply through CAS. Other equivalent applicants apart from those listed above (such as post-form VI certificates, bachelor degree holders) will continue lodging their applications with the University of Dar es Salaam.

MUCE Fee Structure

At the beginning of the academic year, each student will be required to produce evidence of sponsorship by the Government or any other organizations. Students under Government Loan Board are expected to pay their portion of the fees not covered by the Loan Board (based on mean test grade) at the beginning of the semester before they can be permitted to use the University facilities.

All College bursaries are paid through Government Electronic Payment Gateway (GEPG) using the specific control numbers generated through the student’s ARIS account. The generated control number is for tuition fees and direct university costs only. Students are required to keep their original pay-in slips for further verifications in case required.

General Minimum Entry Requirements

A candidate shall be deemed eligible for consideration for admission into a first-degree programme of the MUCE if he/she has one of the following qualifications:
(a) Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (C.S.E.E.) or equivalent, with passes in FIVE approved subjects THREE of which must be at credit level, obtained prior to sitting for the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examinations (A.C.S.E.E.) or equivalent.
(b) (i) For all Applicants except graduates of 2014 and 2015:
Two Principal Level Passes in appropriate subjects in the A.C.S.E.E. or equivalent with total points from three subjects not below 5 for Arts programmes and 4 for Science-based programmes based on the following grade to point conversion scale:
A = 5; B = 4; C = 3; D = 2; E = 1; S = 0.5 and F = 0 point
The minimum Principal in this case is an ‘E’ grade.
(ii) For graduates of 2014 and 2015:
Two Principal Level Passes in appropriate subjects in the A.C.S.E.E. or equivalent with total points from three subjects not below 5 (for Arts programmes) and 4 (for Science-based programmes) based on the following grade to point conversion scale:
A = 5; B+ = 4; B = 3; C = 2; D = 1; E = 0.5 and F = 0 point.
The Minimum Principal in this case is a ‘C’ grade
[Note: Principal Level Passes in Divinity/Islamic Knowledge are not counted]
(c) An appropriate equivalent Diploma with a GPA not less than 3.0 for Ordinary Diplomas or B average for Teacher Education and Health Related diplomas or Distinction for unclassified awards or C grade for Full Technician Certificates or Upper Second Class for non-NTA diplomas obtained from a college which is fully registered by NACTE and approved by the UDSM Senate.

How to Apply MUCE

Applicants are required to complete the online application form at the following University website link: Before filling in the application form, all applicants are advised to study the online application guidelines available at the above University website link.

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