IEB matric results 2023 – matric results 2023 IEB, department of education matric results, matric statement of results. how to check old matric results online

IEB matric results 2023
IEB matric results 2023
Matric is the final year of schooling at Grade 12, and ends with a national matric examination. The technical name for a matric certificate is the National Senior Certificate (NSC). Adult learners above the age of 21 can also receive a matric certificate by completing the requirements for the Amended Senior Certificate (SC). You can also get a Technical Matric through completing an N3 at a TVET college, plus Business English and Afrikaans.
Matric statement of results 2023
Matric statement of results, A Statement of Results document is issued when the results are released by DBE, IEB or SACAI. While this document reflects the candidate’s results, it is not a certificate. It is a temporary document to be used for employment and/or further studies, until it is replaced by the official Umalusi matric certificate which is usually issued by July of the year following your final examinations.
Matric pass rate 2023
Pass marks
South Africans can qualify for three different passes – a Bachelor’s pass, a Diploma pass, and a Certificate pass.
Bachelor’s pass
A bachelor’s pass means you can apply for a degree course at a university or university of technology and can study for a higher certificate, diploma or bachelor’s degree.
To achieve a bachelor’s pass, you must:
- Pass 6 of 7 subjects
- At least 50% in four subjects
- At least 40% in Home Language
- At least 30% in the Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT)
- At least 30% for one other subject
It should be noted that even if a student has achieved a bachelor’s pass, they do not automatically qualify for a university position.
Diploma pass
A diploma pass requires 40% in four higher credit subjects, 30% in three lower credit subjects, and you may fail one subject.
With this pass, you can enrol for a bridging course at a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college or a diploma course at a university of technology.
To receive a diploma pass, a student must:
- Pass 6 of 7 subjects
- At least 40% in four subjects
- At least 40% in Home Language
- At least 30% in the Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT)
Certificate pass
A certificate pass requires a 40% pass in your home language, 2 subjects above 40%, 4 subjects above 30% and you may fail 1 subject. This pass allows you to study for a higher certificate.
- Pass 6 out of 7 subjects
- At least 40% in Home Language
- At least 40% in two other subjects
- At least 30% for four other subjects
This gives learners access to different levels of tertiary education and doesn’t rely on one pass mark across the board.
How To Find Your Matric Results Online?
These are several ways to get your matric results:
1. Find your matric results online
- The DBE website. Only current matric pupils can use this system. Enter your matric examination number and press search. You will be asked to provide some personal details and your home language.
- The IEB website. Only candidates who have written IEB examinations are granted access. They must enter their examination number and date of birth
- The SACAI website. Login on the day that results are released using candidate number and ID.