Clinician Jobs at PASADA. PASADA is a faith based organization operating under the Catholic Archdiocese of Dar Es salaam. PASADA strives to reach the poorest of the poor living with HIV/AIDS and provide them with compassionate care, treatment and support services. Although sponsored by the Catholic Church, the services offered by PASADA are available to all individuals without discrimination of any sort.
PASADA is anticipating a sub-recipient funding from Management and Development for Health (MDH) to implement Afya Jumuishi program to continue provision of comprehensive HIV care and treatment service ni nineteen health facilities in DarEs Salaam region effective October 2023 to September 2024.
In order tomaintain high quality level services and to meet our clients’ and donor’s expectations, we wish to invite applications from suitably qualified existing staff and volunteers only to apply the following job positions:
JOB TITLE: Clinician (23 posts)
- SECTION: Clinical Care
- SUPERVISOR: Site Manager/Clinical Director
To provide general clinical services to people who are living with HIV/AIDS including provision of ART and treatment for opportunistic infection. He/She will work with facility staff and supports the Care &Treatment Services to ensure efficient in provision of services, monitoring and reporting
Specific Duties and Responsibilities
- Taking medical history, including appropriate physical examination and laboratory investigations
- Staging of HIV clients for HIV managements
- Providing clinical care to HIV clients in the clinic
- Providing initial ART to al HIV positive clients
- Management of complications of ART and opportunistic infections
- In collaboration with CTC in charge ensure all clients are screened for TB and initiation of IPT to eligible clients is done and properly documented
- Accurate and complete documentation ofclient information in all clients’ forms.
- Providing counselling related to preventive health
- Â Providing consultation to HIV-positive clients on the community as requested
- Monitoring of clients on ART, document and report any adverse drug reactions
- Ensuring al clients are taken recommended investigations such as HVL, CD4 ni accordance with guidelines
- Work closely with CTC in charge to coordinate service provision, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of care and treatment services, RCH/PMTCT activities and TB/HIV collaborative activities.
- Assess and document all referrals, make follow-up and report on referral outcomes/feedback
- Maintaining proper and accurate documentation and other data records as required for mmonitoring and evaluation within the clinic
- Participating in Clinic Team Meetings and assisting the site manager with strategic planning for the Clinic.
- Initiation and monitoring ofPost-Exposure Prophylaxis Provide health education to clients and their families
- Al l c a r e and t r e a t m e n t is p r o v i d e d a c c o r d i n g to P A S A D A ‘ s
s t a n d a r d O p e r a t i o n a l Procedures. - Occupational Health and safety standards are adhered to
- Facilitation and participation in seminars, workshops and Continuous medical education (CMEs)
- To ensure harmonious andcordial relationship
- To keep safely and in good use all other properties and assets of PASADA entrusted to vou.
- To respect and keep the ethical values ofthe Archdiocese of Dares Salaam and the code of conduct of PASADA
- Doing any other duty as assigned by the supervisor
a) Diploma/Advance Diploma ni clinical medicine/ Degree ni Medicine
b) HIV/AIDS trainings such as Basic ART, Comprehensive HIV care, PMTCT, Paediatric ART
c) Good Clinical judgment in managing clients
d) At least three years’ experience in managing HIV/AIDS clients e) Good interpersonal skills) Self-motivated and committed
g) Basic competency with computer application
How To Apply
Al application letters should indicate the position of interest on the envelope, attached with detailed Current curriculum vitae, certified photocopies of certificates, testimonials, transcripts and names of two referees and day time telephone number for confidential contact, should be sent not later than 20th September 2023, interested candidates are encouraged to physically bring their applications at Temeke Chang ombe opposite Police Chang’ombe within Catholic Church Compound or send them
online using shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
The contact address is;
The PASADA Executive Director PASADA P. O. Box 70225 DARES SALAAM, Tanzania.