Fire Fighting Supervisor at Daqing Oilfield Constructions Group CompanyLimited. The Human Resources Office of Daqing Oilfield Constructions Group CompanyLimited (DOCG) informs all Tanzanians with the following qualifications and who are ready to work at the Marine Tanks & Terminal Project (MTT) at Chongoleani about the following employment position.
Fire Fighting Supervisor at Daqing Oilfield Constructions Group CompanyLimited (DOCG)
Position-Fire Fighting Supervisor (1 Position)
Qualifications: –
- Education: Bachelor’s degree, preferably in fire science, emergency management, ora related field.
- Mandatory Certifications: In Tanzania, you may need to obtain certifications from organizations like the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) or theFireService and Rescue Agency (FSRA) to become a qualified firefighter. Commoncertifications include Firefighter I and II, Hazardous Materials Operations, andEmergency Medical Technician (EMT).
- Experience: Minimum 5 years’ experience in Industry with Senior HSESupervisionrole. and depth knowledge of Operational Safety based on international Oil &GasReferential.
- Leadership Skills: Develop strong leadership and management skills as FireFightingOfficers are responsible for supervising and coordinating firefighting operationsandpersonnel.
- Physical Fitness: Excellent physical fitness and health. Firefighting is aphysicallydemanding job, so must meet certain physical fitness and medical standards; needto pass a physical fitness test and undergo a medical examination as part of therecruitment process.
- Training: Complete a firefighting training program or academy, whichcoversessential topics like fire prevention, emergency response, hazardous materials, andmore.
- Personal ability: good teamwork ability, strong minded, good analytical skills, goodinterpersonal and communication skills. Ability to work in multi-cultural businessenvironment and to work under high- pressure situations and make critical decisions.
- Language: Fluent in English (speaking and writing); and fluent in Swahili.
Responsibilities: –Â
Compliance and Regulations
- Ensure compliance with Tanzanian regulations and guidelines related tofiresafetyand emergency response.
- Draft and update all mandatory Fire Fighting procedures for theProject inaccordance with Tanzanian legislation like Fire Risk Assessment for temporaryfacilities,Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan, Emergency Fire PreparednessPlanandFire Prevention Plan.
Fire Prevention
- Conduct inspections of buildings and properties to identify fire hazards andensurecompliance with fire codes and regulations.
- Inspect buildings, camp, facilities, and public areas to identify fire hazardsandenforce fire safety codes.
- Conduct fire safety and prevention education programs for the community.
Risk Assessment
Conduct risk assessments to identify potential hazards and vulnerabilities withinthecommunity.
Make recommendations for mitigating risks and improving emergency preparedness.1.2.4. Firefighting and Emergency Response
Serve as the incident commander during emergency responses, makingcritical decisions and coordinating efforts.
Respond to fire and coordinate firefighting and rescue operationsduringemergencies, such as fires, hazardous materials incidents, and natural disasters.
Operate firefighting equipment, tools, and vehicles to extinguish fires andmitigatehazards.
Participate in long-term planning to improve emergency response capabilities.
Prioritize safety for all team members and the public during firefightingandemergency response operations.
Incident Management
- Take charge of emergency scenes, establish an incident command, andmakecritical decisions to manage and resolve incidents effectively.
- Maintain detailed records of emergency responses, incident reports, andtrainingactivities, including their causes, actions taken, and outcomes.
Equipment and Resources
- Manage the procurement, maintenance, and readiness of firefightingequipment,apparatus, and resources.
- Ensure proper maintenance, inspection, and readiness of firefightingequipment,including hoses, pumps, and vehicles; ensure that they are in good workingorder.
- Keep up with the latest developments in firefighting techniques, equipment, andsafety protocols to ensure the highest level of service.
Duration The Contract shall be for a specific task for the whole constructions period of theproject.4.0. Job type Full time employment. 5.0. Place of Work Chongoleani Tanga.Daqing Oilfield Constructions Group Company Limited (DOCG) will provide camp accommodation for this positions in our temporary facilities.Camp accommodations of this positions is a must.
Mode of application
Send hand delivery applications to Daqing Oilfield Constructions GroupCompanyLimited (DOCG) human resource office through Ward Executive Office at Chongoleani ward in Tanga city (For those coming from Tanga and local communities) or sendanonline application to Daqing Human Resource online applicationemail to (For those outside of Tanga City) on or before 2 nd of December 2023at17:00 hours East African Time (EAT). Email applications should include the position applied for in the subject of the mail.
NOTE: For these positions, applicants from other parts of Tanzaniaarenotrequired to stamp their application letters at the Chongoleani Wardoffice; onlynatives of the Chongoleani Ward are eligible to do so. WOMEN ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY.
Deadline for Applications shall be at least 14 days from day of advertisement (Deadline for applications is 4 th December 2023) NOTICE;
NO HIRING AT THE GATE‼! Application is completely free, do not pay to apply or to get a job‼ For inquiries (working hours): 0764467564,0755 217 597,
Issued by;- Human Resource Officer (Daqing Oilfield Constructions Group Company Limited) On this 20 day of November , 2023.